Chapter 25: Our Last Night Alive

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Ghost's POV

The night was chilly, and Y/N and Price had been off for awhile. Part of me was getting slightly worried, but I also knew Price would defend his son. Farrah and Alex had turned in for the night and had moved to their own space. Gaz was keeping an eye out with another soldier, leaving Soap and I alone by the dwindling fire. Soap was yawning a lot, and I could tell he was going to fall asleep soon, but I was determined to stay awake until Y/N and Price returned.

"Think they are okay, Lt?" Soap yawned.

"Price will keep them safe."

As soon as the words left my mouth, a crack of a stick came out of the darkness, and Gaz and the marine spun around with guns at the ready. I pulled out my own pistol as Soap aimed his rifle.

"It's just us." Y/N's called out, coming out of the darkness.

"Bloody hell, you gave us a scare." Gaz replied lowering his gun.

"Sorry about that. Well, it looks like we don't need this wood anyway."

"I'll take the next watch and get some sleep." Price told Y/N once both of them set down their piles.

Soap got up and watched Y/N walk to the shallow entrance of the cave and sit down against the rock. He gave me a look and switched spots with Gaz, who immediately fell asleep once his head hit his backpack. Price and Soap started up a conversation as I stomped out the fire and made my way over to Y/N, who looked slightly uncomfortable. He was propped up against the rock wall and had taken off his vest.

"How's the arm?"

"Sore but okay, I guess." He replied, scooting over to make room.

"I'm worried about you." I whispered.

"I know. Everyone is."

"Stay close to Johnny and I okay?"

"I promise I will, but make sure you two are taking care of yourselves." He replied, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Do you think he'll surrender?" I asked.

"No. He's a soldier like the rest of us, but he would rather go down with a sword in hand than surrender peacefully."

"Fucking hell."

"I know. I'm scared, but we have a job to do, Simon." Y/N sighed.

"We finish the mission, then we focus on our team." I replied, pulling him closer.

"The team?"

"More like just me worrying about you and Johnny."

"Try not to worry too much, Simon, eventually you have to start living life rather than just getting dragged through it."

"Johnny told me that too. Never thought I'd be here...I don't deserve this."

That sentence made Y/N pull away and give me a confused and angry expression. It wasn't like I didn't mean it; here I was surrounded by two people who cared, and what the fuck had I done to deserve it? Johnny had always had to remind me that I deserved love and support, and Y/N often said the same thing when we were alone. Maybe I did, but then again, maybe I didn't; who knows?

"Simon Riley, you deserve the world." Y/N stated sitting on his knees and glaring at me.

"Johnny says the same thing."

"He's right to say it. Don't ever doubt yourself or second guess Johnny or I."

"Most people just see some monster when they look at me." I whispered.

"I don't. I don't think anyone in 141 does; Kate, Farah, Alex, and especially my squad never saw that. We see a human who just needs some love; you're hurt, Simon, and we understand that, but you're special."

"How so?" I asked.

"Even if you don't realize it, you are a caring individual. Maybe not when others are around, but you make sure Johnny and I are okay during missions. You keep the people who matter close to you and keep them safe. Just don't forget to take care of yourself too big guy." Y/N laughed, gently slapping me on the shoulder.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Simon."

He gently placed his forehead on my mask, smiling and closing his eyes. The night was still and calm, despite everyone being on edge. We all knew what could happen tomorrow and what the risks were; it was just part of the job. I, however, refused to let anyone die tomorrow. I would keep them safe and make sure we all returned to base. Y/N just scooted over again under my arm, getting comfortable.

"You should get some rest."

"Make sure you sleep too." Y/N replied as his breathing slowed as he became more and more comfortable.

"I'll be fine."

"I wasn't asking Simon." He mumbled, leaning further into me.

"Y/N." I mumbled after awhile, and he just grunted and shuffled a bit.

"How are you calm?"

"Because I'm with you all and panicking won't help anything." He softly replied.

"Are you always this calm before a mission?"

"You know I'm not." He mumbled again.

"Why now then?"

"Because we never know when a mission will be our last, Simon. It's morbid to think about, but that's the truth, and when the task at hand demands us to be at our best, I do my best not to add stress to the team."

"So you're calm for everyone else?" I was confused.

"Yes. For the greater good."

He didn't say anything after finally falling asleep. Y/N didn't snore or do anything compared to Soap, who sounded like a truck. Y/N just quietly inhaled and exhaled without moving very much either. It had actually freaked Soap out the first time because he couldn't tell us
Y/N was still alive. Soap had then proceeded to shake Y/N by the shoulder, startling him in the process. Johnny learned that day never to try that again. Ten minutes had passed, and Soap was making his way over, dragging his feet, once a different marine had woken up to switch places with him.

"Fucking hell, I'm tired." He mumbled, plopping down on the other side of me.

"Get some rest, Soap."

"How's Y/N?"

"Asleep, so be quiet."

"And his arm?" Soap asked, looking over at the sleeping man.

"Still sore, but you did a good job earlier cleaning it."

"You two talk?" He asked, taking off his vest and setting it down.



"He had to remind me again about looking after myself. Had to be reminded that I deserve both of you." I grumbled.

"Well, you do, and both of us will keep reminding you as long as we have to." Soap replied, leaning against my other side.

"He's worried about tomorrow, isn't he?"

"We all should be Johnny. Chimera is dangerous, and this is a dangerous situation."

"I'll keep my eye on him; he does kind of have a bad habit of getting too far ahead."

"He's used to Reyes and the others being behind him." I answered as we both looked over at the dog tags that hung off Y/N's belt.

"We'll be okay, Simon." Johnny yawned, settling against me.

"We better. Wouldn't mind some down time after all this."

"Simon Riley wants to be away from the action? Never thought I'd hear that." Johnny chuckled softly.

"Don't push it, Mactavish. We all could use a rest, especially after losing so much already."

We had all lost a lot during our lives, both before and during the military. Price and Y/N would either be forced to capture or kill their former squad mates tomorrow. Y/N had lost his squad to his former partner, while the rest of us were reminded of our own losses. I began to feel my own eyelids get heavy after Soap yawned again for the fourth time.

"We'll be okay, Si." Johnny whispered.

"Promise?" I replied.

"I promise, I love you, Simon."

"I love you too, Johnny."

They were both fast asleep, with Soap quietly snoring. He would soon be louder, but I would most likely be asleep by then. Darkness began to surround me, and sleep cleared my mind. The final fight against Chimera and his soldiers, everything had led to this moment. I could still remember seeing Y/N for the first time, the first interaction, and the first kiss. I couldn't lose that. Neither Johnny nor Y/N would die tomorrow; I would make sure of that. The more I thought about it, the more I realized maybe I did want more from life. I still wasn't sure if I'd be good at civilian life, but I'd try for it. A house in the country with Y/N and Johnny didn't sound all that bad, but it could be worse. It was a pleasant thing to think about that night, and I would fight for it to become a reality. I would fight for happiness. I would fight for love. I would fight for them all.

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