Chapter 33: Laswell

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Kate's POV

"How are you?"

"Fine, I guess. Everything is still hurting, but the pain medications are helping." Y/N replied while sitting up in his bed.

"Where are Ghost and Soap?" I asked, noticing they were missing from their usual spots by Y/N's side.

"They're probably still asleep; they looked exhausted when I woke up yesterday."

"Well, they probably need it; we have all had a rough few days. I'm just glad you are okay."

"Thanks, how are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm okay; I just...miss John." I stated pulling up a chair next to his bed.

"Me too; I haven't seen Gaz yet. How's he?"

"Kind of a mess if I'm being honest, but he said he would stop by soon."

Y/N still looked pretty rough; his many bruises and cuts had to have new bandages put on during the night. He, however, seemed more worried about everyone else around him than himself; even with all his injuries, he still didn't seem all that concerned with himself. I knew he probably wasn't doing okay on the inside, but I didn't want to push answers out of him just yet.

"Anything you want to talk about?" He smiled at me.

"Just the usual, I guess. How are you feeling, and I guess what now?"

"I'm okay; I'm glad to be alive, but as you know, with Dad gone, it's rough. I'm grateful he saved me; I just wish he was still here. It's become an easy thing for me, having to deal with losing a squadmate and family member, but as you can probably tell, I'm more worried about everyone else. Honestly I'm not sure what happens now. I have ideas, but I'm not sure if Johnny and Simon would go along with them." He seemed almost nervous at that last part.

"Ideas?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think I'm ready to leave this all behind. Enjoy isn't the right word, but this life of being a soldier is all I have known, and yet I think I'm ready to leave it behind. I don't want to watch anyone else die; I guess I'm ready to retire early."

"I think you should. If I'm being honest, I have thought about retiring from the CIA. My wife complains about me being away from home too long and says we should move to the beach and just be happy." I laughed imagining being able to see the beautiful sunsets everyday.

"I think you should; I'm more of a mountain person. I'd like to retire, take Johnny and Simon with me, and just live in peace somewhere up in the mountains. I think it would be nice, and since none of us really spend our money on much, we could probably afford something nice. Do you think they would agree to it or even entertain the idea?" He asked nervously.

"I think you should ask them; personally, I think they would say yes in a heartbeat since they refuse to leave your side."

He just gave me a confused look.

"They wouldn't leave your side the entire flight back from Chimera's base; after we got everyone else, we blew it to high hell. Both of them were doing whatever they could to keep you in a stable condition; once we got back, they had to be held down while they tried to accompany you into surgery."

"I'd say that was slightly romantic, but I kind of feel bad for whoever had to hold Simon back."

"Yeah, Gaz and the others didn't enjoy it very much, but my point is there isn't much those two wouldn't do for you. I know this much. Ghost has probably thought about it, and Soap is happy with whatever you all do. I think it would be good for you, all of you." I smiled and patted his hand, being careful not to hit the IV.

I was about to ask him what else he wanted to do, but at that moment the door flew open, nearly falling off the hinges. I was half expecting it to be Soap or Ghost, but instead it was Gaz, who was a sweaty, panting mess. He looked like he had just run all the way from Las Almas. I was about to yell at him too for making too much noise so early in the day, but Y/N beat me to it.

"God damn it, Gaz! Why do you all always kick down doors?"

"You sound like your father." I replied, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Oh my god, I do..."

"H-heard you were....awake!" Gaz panted.

"Are you going to pass out?" Y/N asked.

"Maybe!" He replied, dropping into the chair on the other side of the bed.

"Mhm well, it's nice to see you again, and maybe take it easy in your morning runs." Y/N laughed as Gaz continued to catch his breath.

"Well anyway, Gaz we were talking about what happens now? Any idea of what you will do?"

"I have no idea. I joined 141 because of the captain, but now that he's gone, it doesn't feel the same. Are you thinking about becoming 141's new captain Y/N?" Gaz asked, scooting closer to the bed.

"No, I'm thinking about retiring and moving back to the states. I have to talk to Johnny and Simon about it, but there's a good chance we will leave the military life behind."

"Bloody hell, I guess that makes sense. I could move to London or something and just take it easy. Always wanted to try a sport or something!" Gaz grinned enthusiastically.

It was a strange thought for me, and probably for Y/N and Gaz. The silence that fell over us and the shared looks confirmed we all had the same thought: it was really over. 141 had completed its mission to keep the world clean and safe, no matter the cost. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to just be able to live and be free of all the stress of war, no more frantic calls on positions, no more calling in strikes, no more coordinating missions. Civilian life would be difficult, sure, but we had all faced way worse; there wasn't much we couldn't handle, and besides, we would still all have each other. Farah, Alejandro, Rudy, and Alex had even joined our little family, with Alejandro and Rudy being informed of what had happened. They were deeply saddened by the death of Price but promised to stay in touch and told us to reach out if any of us needed something.

"Shepherd. Shadow." I muttered.

"Russians. Cartel." Gaz sighed, rubbing his hands on his face.

"New friends. New enemies." Soap said softly, walking over to Y/N.

"Death. Pain. Love." Ghost followed up, walking past and over to my side of the bed.

"Price. Chimera. What a mess." Y/N sighed.

"But we did okay, right?" Gaz asked, looking around at each of us.

"We did better than okay; we got the job done and done well. Price would be proud of us all; it's going to be weird from this point on without him and the others we have lost, but we'll be okay." Y/N smiled at the group.

We would be okay, that much was certain. It was a brand new beginning, one far from the military life we had all known. It would be difficult readjusting to the new reality, but we would manage. 141 was over, but the family we had made would continue to live, for everyone we lost along the way, and for Price.

Note: There is only one more chapter after this!

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