Chapter 15: The Devil We Know

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3rd Person POV

The day had gone by fast, with everyone on base being rather quiet from the stress of the mission. The sun had already begun to set, and the landing area was busy with everyone finishing up their tasks. Price and 141 were leaving their barrack rooms each in their chillier suits. Los Vaqueros and Apex were already waiting by the second helicopter, each in dark green suits of their own. Soap couldn't help but laugh after he noticed a tiny bundle of grass standing next to what looked like a small fluffy tree, which happened to be König. Price also let a snort escape, much to y/n's annoyance.

"You look good, kid!" Price said as the group reached the others.

"I look stupid, and this thing itches!" The tiny bush said

"You look...great!" Soap exclaimed.

"Shut up, sergeant!"

"Where's Alejandro?" Price was not able to tell right away who was who.

"Right here, amigo!"


"There." Another voice called.

"Huh?" Gaz was confused as hell looking around.

"God damn it, these things suck ass! Especially the face covers!" Y/n yelled, pulling up and over his night vision goggles.

"Price, the colonel, is standing next to me." Reyes's voice could be heard from the group.

One of the bushes stepped forward and into the path. Y/n's team had ten people, including a squad of Los Vaqueros soldiers, all of whom were completely covered save for the goggles that poked out. It was very confusing to tell who was who, with only y/n and König being immediately recognizable due to their heights. Price and Alejandro started to discuss the final details while everyone else made their way to their helicopter. Soap decided to jog over to y/n who was standing next to the helicopter, as the pilots began to make their way over.

"Hey y/n!"

"Yeah?" he replied.

"Please be careful, baby boy."

"Johnny I swear to god, I'm not even that short!" Y/n replied.

"I'm kidding, but seriously, be safe."

Soap pulled the tiny mound of fake grass in for a hug. Johnny was worried, but he knew he had to focus and make sure he did his part.

"Is that a bird's nest on your shoulder, y/n?" Soap asked after pulling away and looking down.

"They didn't have one that fit me, so Alejandro had to cut one in half...." Y/n grumbled.

Price and Alejandro were ready to leave the base, calling out for everyone to climb in as the blades on both birds began to spin. Y/n watched as Soap ran back and sat next to Gaz as y/n sat next to Alejandro, or whoever he thought was Alejandro. The flight was about an hour, but no one really talked aside from the occasional mic check from the team members. The sun had gone down and both teams were on track ahead of schedule. Y/N shuffled slightly, trying to get the suit to sit more comfortably. This was it. The helicopters began to descend, with Flight 141's transport heading off the land behind the other hills. Y/n's helicopter slowly got closer to the ground as everyone took a deep breath, knowing what was about to happen. Their boots hit the ground, and everyone immediately kneeled down as the helicopter flew back up, disappearing into the darkness.

"Price, come in." Y/n called into the radio.

"Comms are good. We are going to start pushing up the hill. Once you get to the top, it's going to be a crawl the entire way." Out." The other captain responded.

"Let's move!" Alejandro called as the group of 10 began moving up the hill.

It didn't take long to reach the top, with both groups making it up their hills within a few seconds of each other. Y/n was the first up, and immediately he took note of what was below. On their side, two LTV transports and about two dozen armed guards could be seen through the night vision. The backside of the house only had about 3 targets since Makarov probably wasn't expecting a rear assault. The back area was completely clear of anything, just wide open space with zero cover whatsoever.

"Holy shit..." Reyes whispered once he made it to the top.

"Ready to crawl?" Y/n asked Alejandro who was on his other side.

"Sí, let's move."

"Price, we are moving." Out." Y/n called out.

"Copy that. Be safe, kid." Price responded.

The group began to silently crawl, making their way down the hill with ease. 141 had begun to do the same with the squad spread out; Ghost was on one and Soap was on the other. Price and Gaz were in the middle, so far so good no one had said anything on either team. Y/n kept scooting forward, keeping pace with the rest of the team. Nova and Reyes swapped places just before so that she and the captain could be the first to the door. Y/n suddenly stopped, letting out a barely audible sound as everyone stopped. Nova turned slightly to see what happened. Less than 5 inches from y/n face was a decent-sized lizard; Alejandro didn't move but definitely recognized it.

"Don't move hermano, Mexican bearded lizard...venomous bite." He whispered.

Y/n didn't move, just keeping his eyes on the little reptile in front of him. They usually go into hibernation in November, but this one clearly didn't get the message. It turned to face the captain, who wasn't moving, and the little animal crawled forward, threatening to make a move. Nova reached for his knife but stopped when enemy voices could be heard not too far ahead. Y/n decided to do something semi-stupid, slowly raising his head without startling the animal. Then, in one move, he slammed his helmet down into the animal with as much force as he could, and the lizard got smushed under the weight of the hard helmet and goggles.

"Bloody hell, sir..." Nova whispered.

"Shhh, just keep moving." Y/n whispered as the group continued to push up.

On the other side of the building, Price, Gaz, Soap, and Ghost had reached the edge of their grassy area and were waiting for confirmation from team two. Their side of the building didn't have as many people and no vehicles at all. Price quietly reached for his shoulder radio to check in with y/n.

"Kid, did you reach the edge of the grass yet?" Price asked.

No response.


Still nothing.

"The captain is kind of busy at the moment. Give us a second." Alejandro's voice came through.

The other team had made it to the edge of their grassy cover but had run into an ultranationalist. Y/n' Nova and Reyes had quickly pulled the man down, practically dog-piling him before he could make any noise. The enemy had over 27 stab wounds but was dead as Y/N slowly got up as he and Nova got ready to unlock the door.

"Ready Price on your mark, we unlock our door."


Y/n and the others pushed up, with Nova immediately beginning to pick open the lock. The door clicked, and y/n slowly reached over to twist the handle. Once again, an enemy had perfect timing as the door swung open, nearly hitting Alejandro in the face. Y/n quickly plunged his knife up into the man's neck before he could alert anyone else, as Reyes grabbed the man and pushed his body into some nearby bushes along the house. Team One quickly began to rip off the loosely attached suits and other coverings. 141 had already taken out six people and had also removed their suits, now pushing into the first room. Ghost and Soap quietly crossed the room, placing a charge on one of the house's walls under what was most likely Makarov's office. Reyes and König did the same, putting their first explosive on the garage door they had entered. Y/n and Nova led the team forward as they made their way into what looked like a small gym. Alejandro and his teammates were making their way to the door leading into the main hallway when voices could be heard outside.

"The chemicals are almost ready to be moved; go outside and make sure they are properly sealed; we don't need the boss chewing us out if one gets broken."

Y/n just nodded from below his new masks as Alejandro quietly opened the door, shooting the two men. Reyes and Rudy dragged them into the gym, stuffing them into the corner out of sight. Leading the way, the colonel led the group towards the downstairs room, stopping once they reached the front area.

"Captain, we are going to have to split up; there is another set of stairs. If we all go up, Makarov could escape down the extra flight."

"Copy that we will push up towards the office. Keep your eyes on the exit." Y/n whispered back.

Y/n lead Reyes, König, and Nova up the first flight of stairs, wincing as they creaked and groaned under the weight. Alejandro and Rudy's team successfully killed the guards they ran into while keeping eyes on the stairs on the other side. Alejandro radioed Price to tell him what the change was, and Price responded quickly, telling Alejandro they were pushing upstairs and would most likely run into Apex.
Soap and Ghost were understandably on edge since y/n splitting up from Los Vaqueros wasn't originally planned. Price reached the outside deck First just outside of what was Makarov's office, unknown to him y/n was already about to breach the door when he stopped mid swing.

"Captain, we have to move now!" Reyes hissed.

"Shhhh! Listen." Y/n responded.

They listened for a few seconds; at first, nothing but crickets and night sounds could be heard, but then a faint sound became more intense. Y/n's eyes under the mask went wide as the world suddenly went into slow motion. The ticking of an explosive device could be faintly heard on the other side as y/n dropped the breaching tool, on the other side, Price had heard it too, yelling for everyone to get back. The explosion shook the building, knocking both teams over, with y/n's side taking more of the impact. They were thrown back, with Reyes being knocked unconscious while König and
y/n we're thrown back against the other wall across the walkway. Nova, however, was nowhere to be seen at first as y/n struggled to sit up and looked around, trying to see properly. A group of five men ran out of the door they had come up to, making their way out while keeping guns trained on y/n's team. A gunshot rang out as one fell. Nova had been thrown in the direction of the helicopter but managed to shoot the man who was about to kill her captain. The heroic action came at a cost as another individual appeared from the stair and pulled out a pistol, firing and hitting her directly in the head. Nova dropped immediately as a pool of red began to flow onto the surface, it was Makarov.

"Pleased to meet you, Captain." He sneered, pulling y/n but by his vest.

"Go to...hell" y/n gasped, struggling to recover from the blast.

"Unfortunately, we don't have time to get better acquainted, so luckily for you, I can't kill you yet either."

A second shot rang out as Ghost dropped one of Makarov's guards, who quickly returned fire, forcing the lieutenant to take cover behind the roof he had crawled up. Makarov dropped y/n racing to the west with the helicopter as the pilots scrambled up the ladder and into their seats. Reyes was barely awake, only rolling over, but König was back up, shooting one of the three remaining guards and tackling another. Y/n struggled to get up with his head still pounding and ears ringing. Soap and Price appeared scrambling over the roof as Ghost dropped the last guard. Makarov's chopper was already lifting off as everyone, including Los Vaqueros, who had gotten pinned down by the outside forces that had moved inside the house, finally raced up to the roof and opened fire. The helicopter quickly rose higher and higher, speeding off towards the coast as everyone took in the carnage that was left behind. Soap immediately ran over to y/n who was face down on the ground after failing to stand.

"Y/n!" He yelled sliding down and turning his partner over.

"Nova..." Y/n whispered.

Price ran over to where she had been standing, but his heart dropped. The bullet had passed between her eyes, killing her instantly; there was nothing anyone could do. Y/n rolled over, feeling his eyes burning as he looked at her lifeless body, and Soap realized what had happened, kneeling down and holding onto y/n trying to keep him calm. The captain of Apex slowly crawled up, struggling to make his way over to the fallen operator. She had been a good friend to him the entire time they had known each other, and now she was gone. Y/n collapsed onto his knees, and the other watched him struggle to hold back tears; he had lost another person. Price gently placed a hand on his son's shoulder as y/n gripped onto her vest, shaking and struggling to breathe.

"We have to go..." Price spoke softly but wrapped his fist around y/n shoulder strap.

They had to get away from the house fast since the flames could reach their charges at any moment. Y/n removed Nova's dog tags and ripped off both the 141 and Apex patches on her vest. Price had to drag him along as y/n kept silent the entire way, König had picked up the body, refusing to leave it behind. The group raced down the stairs and out the side door that Alejandro's team had come through, making their way through the grass. Now behind them, the house exploded, and thankfully, the chemicals inside were successfully destroyed. The group slowly climbed up the hill, looking back on the burning wreckage that was once Makarov's headquarters. The mission was a success, but it wasn't over. Alejandro yelled through the radio for a pick-up and to chase after Makarov. The group could do nothing but sit and wait until their tar transports arrived. In total, four people on their side had died—three members of Los Vaqueros and Nova—but everyone else escaped with their lives. The night breeze was still present, but the stars had been covered by clouds as y/n's entire world seemed to go dark.

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