Chapter 29: Two Sons

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The beginning of the end...


Kyle's POV

I was scared that I would be the one to run into Chimera. He truly feared him because of how brutal he was. I had tried to find a way back to Price but had ended up lost in the compound. The hallways all looked the same, and every turn just led to more doors and windows. I had to get back to Price and the others before I ran into serious trouble, but as I ran down another hallway, I heard gunshots followed by the sound of glass breaking. A dead enemy soldier came sliding across the hallway, crashing into the wall. He was dead with a throwing knife in his skull.

"Y/N." I thought to myself.

Sure enough, it was the captain, as another soldier went crashing into the glass window. A pistol went flying towards the man, hitting him in the helmet. The smaller man came flying around the corner, knives in hand, driving them into the hostile mercenary. Y/N was slightly out of breath and looked slightly pale, but he was still holding his own. He nearly charged at me before I threw my hand up, calling out his name.

"Y/N wait, it's me!"

"Gaz? What the fuck are you doing here and where is Price?"

"I got separated; where are Ghost and Soap?" I was confused.

"They're fine. Shit." He muttered.

I was trying not to panic, and he could clearly see that, walking over and pulling me into a hug. It was the reassurance I needed because I got my composure back as he pulled away. He was now like a brother to me since we both shared the same father figure. I noticed my sleeve was now red and quickly realized Y/N's wound had opened up.

"Bloody hell, we need to get you help!"

"No, Chimera is not far, and we need to end this. The marines were killed; I found their group dead a few hallways back."

"All of them?" I asked nervously.

"Chimera's work, which means he's not far."

"Can you take him?"

"Yes, but I can't leave you here, Gaz, so stay close and don't get shot." Y/N instructed.

I nodded, getting a better grip on my rifle, and followed him as we moved down the hallway towards the command room. His arm was still bleeding, and the part of his face that was visible showed an exhausted expression. I was worried, but he clearly wouldn't let me find him help, so the best I could do was watch his back. We were closing in on the command center with a few targets running into us, but they either got a bullet or a knife to the chest. Y/N kept pushing, trying to get there before Chimera found a way out. Outside, the sound of the bridge being blown up by the AC-130 could be heard, and Chimera was trapped.

"Gaz, stop! Get down!" Y/N whispered, yanking me down to the floor.

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