Chapter 19: Choices Have Consequences

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This is the "unofficial" beginning of part 2 of Capture or Kill. Be aware that the story gets a bit more intense from here on out. Anyways I am back and will be posting a new chapter every night as usual. Enjoy everyone!

3rd Person POV

He couldn't breathe at all; his hand began to shake as the gun slowly lowered. Every moment spent thinking about how Chimera had died—all those times he had cried himself to sleep—felt wasted. He was here. He was really here, living and breathing, but with the bad guys. Y/N kept his eyes on the other man, who pushed Makarov's body to the side and slowly walked around the desk. He didn't seem at all concerned that there were quite a few guns pointed at him, just casually leaning against the other side and smiling down at Y/N.

"You look good." He smirked.

"You're alive." Y/N whispered.

"I am, although this isn't exactly what I had planned."

Ghost could feel his blood beginning to boil as Chimera just stood there grinning down at the smaller man. Y/N looked like he was going to pass out; his entire body had gone limp, and he hadn't moved from his spot half-kneeling on the ground.

"How?" Price asked still holding onto Reyes for support.

"They just chose not to shoot me, simple as that." Chimera responded.

"And why did you join Makarov?" Ghost growled.

Chimera just looked back at the masked man, who was clearly on edge. He just grinned again, pushing off the desk and slowly walking down towards Y/N, who was just wide-eyed and staring down at the floor. Soap also wanted to beat the daylights out of Chimera, but he didn't dare move. Chimera crouched down in front of Y/N, gently pulling off the black skull mask and tube mask underneath.

"Still the same face as the man I fell in love with." Chimera smiled as he gently reached up to Y/N's cheek.

Ghost and Soap pointed their guns at him but quickly lowered them when they realized Y/N could get hit. Despite any other person trying to use Y/N as a human shield from Ghost and Soap, Chimera genuinely seemed to just want to talk to Y/N again.


"You're alive."

"I'm okay; everything is okay."

Chimera carefully pulled Y/N into a hug while giving Soap and Ghost an evil smile. Johnny felt his head spinning as he held onto Simon's wrist.

"I thought you were dead. I thought I left you behind." Y/N said, burying his face into the larger man's shoulder.

Chimera himself was about 6'1, so he stood taller than Y/N and Soap. His hair was dirty blonde, his eyes were bright blue, and he had a clean-shaven face with a few scars dotted around. He was pretty handsome for a soldier, and it was clear why Y/N had fallen in love with him. Price finally got to some of his senses, slowly crossing the room to see if Makarov was actually dead. He was; Chimera's knife had struck him directly in the chest, killing the Russian instantly.

"Why did you kill him?" Price asked.

"He's a dangerous person, Price."

"But... you were here with him?" Y/N sniffled, wrapping his arms around Chimera.

"You're working with him."

Price carefully took a step towards Chimera, slowly raising his gun as the others kept their weapons trained on the new threat.

"Put it down, Price." Chimera spoke coldly, pulling away from Y/N, standing, and turning to face Price.


"I said. Put. It. Down." Chimera growled, taking a step forward again.

"Why should we? You are working with Makarov!" Alejandro yelled.

Makarov is dead. If you really want a good reason why you should, fine. Do you really think Y/N will forgive you for shooting me?" Chimera asked, glaring at Price dead in the eyes.

Price didn't say anything and simply lowered his weapon.

"Do you think your captain will forgive you for killing the love of his life?" Chimera turned to Reyes and König, who lowered their weapons.

Two gun clicks came from beside Chimera, whose evil smile returned. He looked over, staring directly at Johnny and Simon, who looked like they wanted to drop the man right then and there. Chimera seemed to understand the relationship between the three, and he couldn't help but grit his teeth in frustration. Chimera walked over and put himself between where Y/N was kneeling and the angry members of Squad 141. His vest pressed right against the barrel of Soap's rifle, as if daring him to do it.

"Sergeant Mactavish."

"You know me?" Soap hissed.

"Of course, you are practically legendary along with the rest of 141."

"Give us one reason why we shouldn't kill you."

Ghost had pointed his rifle at Chimera but was completely taken back when Y/N shot up from where he had been grabbing Chimera's shoulder and yanking him away from the pair.

"There's your reason, Lieutenant." Chimera smiled as Y/N pushed his former partner behind himself.

"Y/N?" Soap immediately lowered his gun.

"I won't let you kill him." Y/N said she met Soap's gaze with watery eyes.

"Y/N move." Ghost growled, keeping his gun on Chimera.


"Y/N move!"


Ghost's finger was close to pulling the trigger when, in one quick movement, Y/N knocked the rifle out of his hands. The gun slid across the room, coming to a stop in front of Gaz on the other side of the room.

"What the fuck?" Ghost yelled, not expecting Y/N to actually do anything.

"You aren't killing him, Simon!" Y/N yelled back.

"So what's stopping me from killing you?" Alejandro asked.

"Put it down, colonel, or the cartel leader dies."

Alejandro froze in place as he remembered Valeria back at base. Chimera clearly wasn't an idiot and had planned ahead; no doubt he could find a way to Valeria. Alejandro felt his hands go dumb as he finally lowered his weapon, ordering Rudy to do the same. Chimera had gotten the entire room to back off without even raising a hand. Y/N and Ghost seemed to be having some kind of staredown as they each challenged the other to do something. Simon felt his heart break watching Y/N put himself between the enemy and him. He left betrayed; he wanted to finish the mission, but he wouldn't hurt Y/N to do it.

"Sir, we have to go!" A voice yelled through Chimera's radio.

"On my way." He answered calmly, turning to walk out onto the walkway that led up to the helicopter landing.

"No!" Ghost yelled, taking a step forward.

Y/N immediately put his hand up onto Simon's chest. He wasn't physically strong enough to hold back the massive 6'4" Brit, but the contact was enough to stop Simon in his tracks. Simon looked down to see the brown eyes he had come to care for staring up at him. He didn't move, so he didn't say anything just pressed against the tiny hand. Y/N turned to look at Chimera, not removing his hand from Simon's vest as Chimera stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

"I don't blame you for leaving me. I truly don't, but you have to understand this is all for you." Chimera spoke to Y/N and Price.

"What do you mean?" Price asked, confused.

"People like us get sent into danger all the time, and for what? Duty, honor, medals? What about the ones we lose? We lost our squad, Price, and we can't get them back. Why should those who order us around not share our pain. Why should they get to feel safe while we lose loved ones?" The last part of Chimera's sentence had been directed at Y/N.

He had a point, even if he was still technically the bad guy. They gave everything to keep the world safe, but why? Why should they suffer the most, watching their friends die? It didn't feel right, and now one of those people who had been lost was here in front of Y/N. He knew he could get everything he and Chimera had lost back; all he had to do was reach out and take it. Chimera knew that too, walking just close enough and holding out his hand for Y/N to take. Simon felt his heart beat speed up dramatically; he wanted to pull Y/N away from Chimera, but his limbs wouldn't move. Soap felt the same, just sweating and nervously shaking as Y/N's fingers began to move. Slowly his arm was raised, fingers gently brushing against Chimera's.

"Come with me." Chimera whispered.

"No..." Soap whispered.

"Price please." Chimera spoke without turning from Y/N's direction.

"Leave your plan behind, Chimera, and come back with us." Price spoke, his voice shaking.

"I won't, but we can be a squad again, Price, even the rest of you." Chimera spoke to Reyes, König, and Gaz.

"Chimera." Y/N spoke softly.

"Please. Come back to me."

Their hands interlocked as Chimera led Y/N up the stairs while the others watched in disbelief. Y/N was actually going with him, and all Ghost and Soap could do was watch. Price didn't move either; he wouldn't accept Chimera's offer because he knew it wasn't right. No one dared to risk hitting Apex's captain so the room was silent aside from the helicopter above. Ghost was yelling at himself to move and shoot to end the threat once and for all. His arms and legs refused to work as he just watched part of his world walk away from him.

"I promise everything will be okay, Y/N." Chimera whispered as the two reached the walkway.

"I missed you." Y/N responded, letting his right hand fall to his side.

"Last chance Price." Chimera spoke toward the other captain.

"No. Please son, don't do this." Price begged as Y/N took a step out onto the metal walkway.

"I'm sorry." He replied, shutting his eyes tight as tears began to flow.

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