Chapter 13: The Dad Talk

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Price's POV

The bed next to me was already empty since
y/n had developed the habit of getting up before anyone else. He and Ghost shared that in common and I wondered if the two of them had talked at all since yesterday. Today however was a day for work after y/n had left and I finished the call with Kate, Alejandro and I went to get the information we needed from Valeria. Makarov was here in Mexico, not to far from the warehouse y/n, Soap and Ghost had attacked. The location turned out to be a large farm mansion in the hills surrounded by vast open spaces but flanked on either side by large grassy hills. We would most likely move soon since we had to be quick, that's why we were meeting today in the main conference room. I got dressed quickly, brushing my teeth and putting on my hat. The main building of Alejandro's base was busy with the meeting room itself was already filled up. Y/n and his squad were already seated on one side while 141 along with Alejandro and Rudy were talking as the many screens on the wall switched from landscape to landscape.

"Fucking finally, thought you'd never wake up." Y/n laughed as I sat down next to him closest to the screen.

"Haven't even had my cup of tea yet." I groaned.

Kate appeared at the left hand top of the screen immediately getting down to business as everyone watched a overhead view of some buildings appear.

"Thanks to John and Alejandro's work getting information from Valeria we now know that Makarov is indeed in Mexico. Further information also reveals that the canisters 141 found are actually part of a much larger project, they hold toxic chemicals that if released would kill thousands. It is imperative that we secure those canisters before he can release them on Las Almas or any other target." Kate explained.

"What kind of resistance can we expect Kate?" Y/n asked.

"They will defend Makarov at all costs, overhead images revealed a few armed vehicles, heavily armed personnel and even a helicopter." Kate explained as the large house was marked with several dozen targets.

"That heli is going to be a problem if he makes it to the bird we will have a hard time going after him." Gaz stated with concern.

This whole situation wasn't ideal the grounds around this house were completely exposed with the helicopter on the roof being easy access for escape. If Makarov did manage to escape there was no telling how long it would be before we would be able to find him again.

"If we go in at night we will have a better chance of sneaking up, the issue here is the enormous amount of open area we have to cross before we even get to the house not to mention the defenses that are present."

Y/n was right, this wasn't going to be easy but I had an idea.

"What about approaching from the back side. We could make our way down the hills quietly and get around the heavy defenses concentrated at the front."

"That's a long way." Ghost mumbled.

"Simon has a point, the only cover we have is the grass but maybe we we used gillies and crawl. It would be a long way but we could go undetected until we reach the side doors to the house." Y/n added smiling at Ghost.

"That's a long way hermano, we will need night vision to be able to see. The walk to even get to those hills will be a long one since we can't risk anyone hearing the helicopters landing." Alejandro spoke up.

"We don't really have a better plan or time, the majority of those guns are pointed at the road we are at less of a risk if we go the long way." Y/n replied looking at Soap when he mentioned the lower risk part.

The planning took a majority of the day with everyone stating many concerns and opinions on how best to go about it. The end result was going to be difficult, two helicopters would land away from the house behind the hills dropping off Apex and Los Vaqueros behind one hill while another would drop Ghost, Gaz, Soap and I on the other side of the house, both teams would squeeze in and hopefully capture or kill Makarov. Since we had to get to the other side we had a longer trip and it was decided that we would start the operation tomorrow night.

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