Chapter 14: Deep Breath

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Y/n's POV

"There really isn't another way in there?" Gaz asked visibly stressed.

"No." I sighed putting the tablet down and laying on the couch.

Gaz and I had been looking over the photos of the target in the main lounge area of Los Vaqueros's base. Two LTVs were parked outside long with a few dozen people. The house itself was large enough to keep all these ultranationalists and equipment, we were still worried about that fucking helicopter but if we could get to Makarov before he could get to it we would be okay. Gaz just groaned pacing back and forth on the other side of the coffee table.

"You aren't going to do yourself any good by stressing Kyle, you need to relax." I stated as he kept walking back and forth across the room.

"I can't help it!"

"Maybe you should get ready for dinner and just turn in early, sleep solves most problems." I suggested.

"Maybe you're right." He sighed.

The door opened and Ghost walked in followed by Soap who looked a bit pale. Gaz just gave me a smiled and walked out leaving me with Simon and Johnny.

"Is he okay?" I asked while Ghost sat in the chair where Gaz had been and Johnny walked over to me stopping in front of the couch.

"Old man gave us the dad talk." Ghost grumbled.

I couldn't help but laugh after hearing that, I knew Price was protective but holy hell. It must have been interesting to see Ghost get the talk, especially from Price. It was nice to know that Price had sat down with them and told him he knew about all of this but judging from Johnny's expression he also probably freaked them out a bit. Price always had a tendency to be a bit more blunt than he really meant to and this time he clearly dropped the ball that he knew, I suspected as much but I just didn't say anything. I pulled myself up a bit leaning against one of the pillows holding out my arms as Johnny laid down on top of me burying his head in my neck.

"How bad was it?" I asked looking over to Simon.

"He told us not to let him catch us in the act." Simon snorted.

"Glad he didn't stop by last night then." I smirked.

"He nearly heard me when I said that." Johnny mumbled into my neck.

"You're lucky he didn't hear you Johnny, otherwise you probably won't be here now." I laughed running my free hand through his mohawk.

"Did you and Gaz find anything new?" Simon asked.

"Nothing new, this whole operation is going to be risky and Kyle is worried rightfully so. The defenses are rather impressive for one house but like Kate said most are positioned facing the road at the front."

"Are you okay?" Johnny asked as I kept messing with his mohawk.

"I'm okay Johnny. I still feel about my outburst, I shouldn't have yelled at either one of you."

"It's fine y/n." Simon stated getting up from his chair and walking over to Johnny and I.

"No it isn't. I should have told you more about Chimera before hand, I guess I just didn't want to drop that weight on you two." I sighed.

This moment of calm was something we all needed, the past few days had been chaos. Johnny in particular seemed to be needing a moment of calm before the storm that was the mission tomorrow. Simon on the other hand seemed to be doing just fine but that was on the outside, I knew he too was probably on edge. I scooted over sitting up slightly, while being careful not to move Johnny from his spot as Simon sat down and I leaned back down against his chest. The lieutenant was actually kind of cold despite his thick hoodie, his hands felt like ice when they made contact with my cheek.

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