Chapter 10: The Scorpion

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"Okay pause, everyone freeze. So I looked at the roadmap in detail and OH MY FUCKING GOD. REYES! HAS A SHIRTLESS SKIN. LIKE WHAT???? Activision can literally have my whole bank account, nearly passed out once I saw it in all it's glory. Ughhhhhhhh I need it.... Anyway on with the story!"

Y/n's POV

I slid down the hillside coming to a stop at the base swinging my M4 around to my front and taking aim at the closest enemy. He dropped instantly with the other target next to him dropping at the same time as Ghost popped a shot off. Thanks to the suppressors none of the other guards had noticed but I didn't expect them to be oblivious for much longer. I made my way closer to the building being quiet and trying my best to avoid the watch of the enemies scattered around. A second truck had pulled up as a lot of cartel members piled in talking and laughing, I waited for about a minute as the truck started up and drove down the road. I was about to stand and keep moving up when the door next to me suddenly opened and I immediately tackled the man who walked out.

"Fuck I don't have a shot!" Soap called out through the radio.

I covered the man's mouth as I did my best to keep him silent while slamming my boot as hard as I could down on his wrist. He was trying to push me off but despite my smaller size I wasn't letting go, ripping Chimera's knife out of the clip I plunged it into the man's chest as he slowly went limp.

"Fucking hell..." Ghost said.

Just as I stood up a shot rang out and I looked over to see a cartel member who had thankfully missed but had alerted everyone else. Soap dropped him as more and more people came running out of the buildings many falling immediately to 141's deadliest snipers. I immediately ran for the stairs knowing Valeria would attempt to flee slicing another's man's face as I ran up the stairs. I was about to reach the top when I was knocked over and my rifle dropped sliding over the concrete deck. The man above fell over as blood covered my clothes, I jumped up nodding to the cliff and climbing a ladder to the roof.

"Valeria is on the move you can jump down and catch her we will take out the guards." Ghost yelled. I could see Soap moving down the cliff as Ghost kept picking off more cartel members. Their skills with those snipers were damn impressive since I was never particularly good with them snipers. I scrambled up the roof reaching the other side just as Valeria's last guard dropped into a pool of his own blood. I dropped down blocking the door to the waiting truck on the other side.

"Valeria, Alejandro's told me it about you!" I smiled.

"Who the fuck are you?" He growled pulling out her sidearm.

"Someone who is here to return you to the colonel so you can either come back willingly or we can do this the fun way!" I smiled attempting to keep up the confident act despite my lack of my rifle.

"¡Pendejo de mierda!" She yelled pointing her gun right at me.

"Fine...luckily for you Alejandro wants you alive."

Her first shot missed as I raced at her sliding under her line of sight slamming into her full force knocking her to the ground. She hit the ground hard as the gun flew out of her hands, she clearly hadn't expected me to react so fast and neither had I honestly, I guessed it was the adrenaline rush. Her fist connected with the side of my head as I rolled off and into the wall, she pulled a knife out racing at me as the grip on my own blade tightened. The knife missed slashing at empty space as I rolled away jumping back up to my feet. I could briefly see Soap running across the grass below but he disappeared up the stairs I had climbed up earlier. Valeria lunged at me again as I backed up again as the knife sung past where my neck would have been, she was fast but so was I.

"Y/n where are you?" Soap called out.

"Balcony, second floor he and Valeria are going at it!" Ghost called out.

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