Chapter 7: Ghost

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Y/n's POV

Once again I was the first up brushing my teeth and fixing my messy hair. The base was silent but instead of heading for the kitchen I pulled out the keys Kate gave me and walked down towards Price's office.I was on the hunt for something specific that I knew Price probably had stored away, as I was about to unlock the door when I felt the gaze of someone from the other end of the hall. I didn't have to look up to know who it was since I could just barely see the balaclava out of the corner of my eye. Unlocking the door and leaving the door open I walked over to the desk sitting on the top waiting for him to come in. He followed soon after closing the door behind him but remained silent.

"I'm glad I'm not the only on who is up early." I smiled at Ghost.

"Why?" He asked.

"It gets lonely and while the silence is nice sometimes it becomes boring sitting by yourself."

"So why are you up then and why are you in Price's office" He took a few steps closer but kept his hands in his hoodie pocket. I pulled out the keys setting them on the wood next to me.

"Just in here to relax." I smiled. That was a lie but I didn't feel like explaining why I was really in here.

"You're different." He said breaking the short moment of silence.

"How so?" I responded confused.

"You remind me of Johnny since you both have compassion but I can still see Price's leadership in you."

"Seems like you and Soap have already taken an interest in that."

He took another couple steps close enough to the point where I had to lean back a bit to still be able to look him in the eyes. Ghost seemed like a reserved person but compassion towards him seemed like a way to breakdown his walls. I just narrowed my eyes to challenge if he was actually interested or if he was just being an asshole.

"Maybe I have, would that be a bad thing?" He said leaning down a little.

"I could say yes since I have been told you and the sergeant have a thing for each other."

He immediately pulled back seemingly caught off guard by my knowledge into his growing relationship with Soap. I couldn't quite read the expression under the mask but my best guess was it could be a mix of shock and anxiety.

"So am I right about that Ghost?" I asked after he didn't say anything.

"I find the sergeant interesting."

"Ah I once found a guy interesting I kissed him to show I was interested." I smirked up at him.

"You're kind of an ass." He replied to my mock of the word interesting.

"I better not be some weird cheating thing between the two of you."

Ghost narrowed his eyes at that comment but also didn't back down from my remark either. He actually looked like he wanted to say something but wasn't sure how to or if my reaction would be a good one. I just raised a eyebrow at him hoping he will spill whatever was bothering him.

"Johnny...Johnny and I both have a interest in you and we both have a interest in each other."

"If you use the word interest one more time I'm going to make you fill out after action reports for a month." I groaned.

"Fine. We both fancy you."

"We just met two days ago? Plus why me I'm not exactly much to look at like you said."

Ghost seemingly had forgotten that he had made the comment yesterday turning and making his way to the door. I jumped off the table and grabbed his arm as the began to turn the handle.

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