Chapter 27: The Heart Of Evil

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Price's POV

Y/N, Ghost and Soap had disappeared out of sight. I was worried; Y/N's movements suggested his wound was causing him a severe amount of pain and discomfort. Farah, Gaz, Alex, and I were making our way towards the missile control room. Chimera hadn't been able to switch the controls to the main command deck; the room was located at the base of the silo. It was most likely a large room filled with all kinds of instruments and control systems, probably heavily guarded too.

"There!" Gaz whispered.

Ahead, a small squad of soldiers stood in front of two large double doors. The doors looked heavy and only had small windows at the top, too high for anyone aside from Ghost to be able to see through. The soldiers hadn't seen us yet, and with time working against us, we had to make a decision on how to get inside fast.

"Any ideas, cap?" Gaz asked from behind.

"We go in loud, push in, and kill whoever tries to stop us." I replied, taking aim at the closest soldier.

"A bit aggressive, captain."

"We have to get in there fast, Alex; we don't know how long we have until the launch." I replied.

"Fair enough, on you." He replied.

The four of us picked out a different target, taking aim and waiting until the last enemy had stopped pacing back and forth. It was quick, and as soon as only one was left, we were running towards the door. The remaining soldier's armor had managed to stop the bullet, but he was still trying to regain his footing. I unloaded another six shots into him as we quickly approached the doors; we had to stop this missile. The enemy soldier collapsed, crashing through the doorway. I was ready to drop anyone else, but the next room was empty aside from the man's body. We had made our way towards the missile room with very little resistance. The one large patrol that had been on our floor had raced past us, heading for Y/N's floor earlier; hopefully they would be okay. Gaz and Alex followed me in while Farah watched our backs. The room was full of desks and control consoles, with huge windows on the other end. The missile was visible through the red lights in this chamber; it was an old Soviet-era nuclear missile. We had to stop it before Chimera could activate it and send it off towards whatever target he had in mind.

"Move now!" I ordered as we spread out, trying to find the right controls.

There were a lot of lights and levels, most of which just looked like nonsense. Laswell was trying to walk us through what might either abort the launch or at least redirect the missile. Alex and Farah were back toward the door, trying to make sense of the many pieces of equipment around the room. Gaz had wandered off into the room next door, looking through papers and manuals for anything of value. So far, nothing; I just hoped the others were having a better time with their part of the mission. I couldn't stop the sick feeling that grew in my gut thinking about what could happen, but I quickly shook those thoughts out of my head and focused. The calm didn't last long; in the distance, voices could be heard yelling as soldiers came racing down the halls. Alex and Farah ran towards the door but stopped once the large metal door slammed shut on its own and locked.

"Gaz! Get in here quick!" I yelled, running towards his room.

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