Chapter 17: Raid Part I- The Masquerade Of Evil

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Ghost's POV

Laswell had located the most likely location that Makarov had fled to, an old abandoned dock facility not far from the now-destroyed house. Price had quickly called everyone into an emergency meeting; this time we would assault the facility with more manpower since Makarov knew we were after him. Y/N stood quietly wrapped in Soap's arms as Price began to explain the situation. The building itself was relatively unprotected from the drone images, with only a skeleton defense force and no vehicles. The observation deck was where Makarov was most likely held up, and once again, that damn helicopter was positioned nearby on the landing pad.

"We will divide into three teams. One will be led by Alejandro and comprised of Los Vaqueros and Rudy. Team two is Gaz, Reyes, König, and I. Team three is Y/N, Soap, and Ghost. Each team will push through the building fast to cut off the escape route to the landing pad, while we will make our way up to the third floor after securing the platform and all converge on the command deck. If we are successful, Makarov won't know what hit him, and he'll be dead." Price stated.

The plan was pretty simple, and this time Makarov wouldn't escape. I would make sure of that personally if I had too, and Y/N held gently onto my hand as Price continued to explain what would be needed in order for the mission to be successful. I was worried that Y/N's head wouldn't be in the right place for this mission, but I also knew he wanted the mission to be successful for Nova. The meeting carried on for another hour, with Price finally dismissing us to get our gear restocked. There wasn't any time for sleep; we had to move fast. The attack on the house had started just after sundown, but now the sky was completely dark with no stars above. Everyone went their separate ways to get their gear on, but Soap, Y/N, and I stayed behind for a moment, not moving from our spots.

"Are you going to be able to do this?" I asked Y/N.

"Yes Simon. I want this to be a successful mission, and I promise I won't let what happened get into my head." He responded, not looking at me.

"We'll be with you this time." Soap whispered and placed a kiss on his head.

"I know...just please be careful." Y/N said pulling up the bottom of the skull mask and strapping on the top part.

We headed down to the armory to restock on ammo and flash grenades while Y/N resharpened Chimera's knife. Price's voice came through the radio, telling us to be ready to leave in 10 minutes. Y/n stood first, making his way to the door, but stopped much to everyone's confusion.

"Y/n, we have to go?" Soap was confused about why we were moving.

Without saying anything, Y/N took off both masks, turned, and pulled off Johnny's lower half mask, placing a firm but gentle kiss on his lips. Soap was completely taken aback but quickly melted into the kiss, and I felt lucky to have them both in my life. Y/n then turned to me as I instinctively leaned down so he could place a gentle kiss on my balaclava-covered cheek.

"I love you, both of you." Y/N whispered, slowly putting the mask back on.

Johnny just smiled, and even I couldn't help but grin under my own mask. Life felt okay despite our recent losses; we had kept our promise and kept him safe from his own fears. The three of us walked out towards our helicopter as Price ordered all three to take us to the facility. Y/n sat in between us, holding onto his rifle, as the smell of salt became stronger. This was it—Makarov would die for what he did to my love. I would kill him myself if it gave Y/N peace; whatever he needed, I would make sure he got.
The faint lights of the abandoned dockyard and facilities came into focus as the helicopters began to land. Y/n was the first on the ground, immediately dropping a soldier from an impressive distance. Price and Alejandro's teams quickly followed, with Price heading to the right side of the facility near the dockyards while Los Vaqueros pushed into the left side near the store facilities. Y/N dove behind cover as I killed another guard on the walkway above. We had to push up and through the center if we were going to catch Makarov.

"Johnny up on the top!" Y/N yelled as Soap's sniper rifle went off and a man fell off the second story onto the ground below.

My own rifle came alive with bullets ripping through two more ultranationalists who had peaked from their cover at the wrong time. The courtyard seemed clear as Y/N signaled us to move up to the door. We had just reached it when the metal door swung open and a man stepped out, gun drawn. Y/N immediately tackled him, driving his signature blade into the man's neck.

"Fucking hell Y/N..." Soap muttered.

"This is like the fourth time this has happened; they really have to stop walking out so much." Y/N stated that he pulled out the knife and put it back on his boot.

We made our way into the main entrance of the first floor, killing a few more people who raced down the stairs towards us. We knew we had to prevent Makarov's escape, so we began to head up the stairs towards the second floor. The facility itself was rundown and gross, with some of the lights flickering on and off. The stairs went on for longer than we expected, but we finally reached the door, getting into position to face any enemies on the other side. Y/N kicked the door open while Soap threw a flash grenade down the hall. Multiple cries could be heard as we opened fire on the many soldiers who were peeking out of various doorways.

"Clear!" Y/n whispered.

"All good." Soap replied, training his gun in the hallway.

We were about to continue down the hallway when a large explosion went off outside. The building shook with the sound of glass breaking and the smell of smoke filling our noses. Y/N quickly walked over to the window and looked out, seeing the store building on fire.

"Alejandro, come in!" He yelled into the radio.

"We are okay! We found another shipment of the chemicals and successfully destroyed them with the leftover C4. Engaging hostiles but making our way up!" He yelled back.

"Wait....Soap!" Y/N turned and walked back over to us.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He said eagerly, turning so Y/N could unzip his pack.

"First off, this is a stupid place to put these, but you're also a genius!"

Soap still had a few C4s left, and we were all thinking the same thing. If we could get to the platform in one piece, then we could destroy the helipad and Makarov's escape. We began to push further down the hallway, passing empty rooms along the way, with a few hostiles attacking us. We were doing well so far; no damage had been done to us, and Price and Alejandro would be here soon. Y/n turned a corner of a hallway that was level with the second floor's outside walkway; on one side, many doors were closed, and on the other, large windows that ran from top to bottom lined the other side. We were carefully making our way down the hall when a door flew open and a man tackled y/n smashing through the glass. Soap was next, getting grabbed by another man and yanked into one of the rooms. Y/n was wrestling with the man, who punched him in the mask but ended up hurting his hand; the mask didn't even crack, and I couldn't help but feel relief to know it would keep him safe. I bolted into the room where Soap had been dragged to find him fighting off two individuals.

Soap had grabbed onto the man's neck while another got kicked back into a desk. I yanked the second target off the wooden surface, throwing him back out into the hallway. He crashed into the glass, cracking it but not falling onto the outside walkway. Y/n now had the man was backed up against the railing, the two struggled to overpower each other. That was his weakness; while y/n was smaller and faster than most, he didn't have as much physical strength. If someone caught him at the right moment, it would be game over in a close-up fight, but luckily this time the other man seemed to be doing poorly since y/n kept pushing him further and further into the railing. The man below me stood swinging at me with all the force he could muster, only to be punched so hard his jaw cracked. He crumpled to the ground as I fired my rifle into his stomach. Soap has also managed to overpower his opponent, with the soldier now lying dead in the corner of the room. Johnny walked out panting but okay.

"Ghost, he needs help!" Soap yelled, but I just held him back, watching.

Y/n was definitely a sight to behold when he had a blade in his hand. He managed to wrap his leg under the Russian's and flip him over onto his back. The sound of metal connecting with a human was loud as the Russian struggled to fight back as Y/N yanked out one of the many throwing knives that lined his chest and plunged it into the man's eye. I was convinced that he could even give me a challenge until I caught him. Soap just whistled in surprise as y/n stood panting, walking over to where he dropped his rifle and picking it up. We walked over, nodding and turning to head down the hallway.

"Behind!" Soap blurted, but before either of us could raise a gun, there was already a knife in the man's neck.

"What?" Y/N was confused.

"How did you do that?" Soap yelled, somewhat annoyed that he didn't get the kill.

"Practice also; his gear was pretty loud." Y/n said as he yanked the blade out, slipping it back into the vest.

"Where is the landing pad?" Soap asked, peeking around the hallway turn.

"Down the hall, and to the right, it's outside." Y/n whispered as distant yelling became louder.

A group of six men came charging down the hall only to be met with three rifle barrels, all of which greeted the enemy with a dozen bullets. They dropped into a pile as we continued to make our way down the hall. Gunfire could be heard outside, along with someone yelling in Spanish. There was a metal staircase on one side of the hallway, but no one came racing down; we had our way up after the helicopter was destroyed. Y/n reached the end of the hall, first glancing around to see a mess of guards surrounding the vehicle.

"Fuck." He whispered.

"How many?" I asked.


"You two ready?" He asked.

We shot around the corner, unleashing all the firepower our weapons could muster, catching the men off guard since they had apparently been watching the other side of the walkway on the right instead of the left. We had picked right as four men were gunned down instantly, with the others scattering behind boxes that dotted the outside helipad. Soap yanked a flash from Y/N's vest, tossing it through the broken window over the low wall. It landed directly next to a Russian, who screamed in pain for just a second before Y/N blew off his head.

"Ghost! The walkway!" Y/N yelled over the gunfire.

We could see feet coming down an outside staircase. Soldiers from the third floor were making their way down, but something was wrong. They looked different than Makarov's men; these soldiers wore pure black combat uniforms with heavy armor and masks. They also had a strange symbol on their shoulder, which I had never seen before. Y/N and Soap didn't recognize them either, but could tell that these guys would be a challenge, and we were right. Their rifles opened fire with a roar, tearing through the wall and remaining glass as two pilots raced for the helicopter.

"Shit! We have to stop them!" Soap yelled

"Wait for them to reload, then aim for the head!" I yelled back.

The gunfire finally stopped, and all three of us stood up from behind the half wall and returned fire. Their armor kept the first few bullets from dealing serious blows, but the bullets that landed above their chests cut into flesh. Three of the six collapsed, and even a remaining ultranationalist got hit and dropped in the background. Soap threw a stemtex over; it landed to the right of one of the remaining soldiers and exploded, throwing him back and into one of the boxes. The other two raced around to the walkway leading inside Soap, and I got ready to tackle them as Y/N clutched the C4 in his hands. They came racing around the corner, guns lowered to our level. Soap jumped up, knocking one to the ground while the other got a fist to the visor, which shattered under my fist. Y/N raced out onto the landing as the helicopter began to lift off, and Soap and I were swinging like crazy at the unknown soldiers' faces. Finally, once the blood poured out and they stopped moving, we raced out towards Y/N, who had just made it to the helicopter.

"Soap, get ready to shoot!" He yelled over the sound of the blades.

Y/n threw the C4 as hard as he could; it stuck to the bottom of the helicopter as Soap held his breath and focused on the shrinking target.

"For Nova." He whispered.

The rifle made a crack, and the helicopter exploded, falling out of the sky and crashing into the water below. We had done it; the only way out for Makarov was gone, and so far no one else had died. Soap let out a huff from beneath his mask, lowering his rifle, and y/n jogged over.

"We have to keep pushing up to the third floor if we are going to meet Alejandro and Price on time."

With that, we headed back inside and back towards the metal staircase we had found. This time, however, there were people waiting in the hallway; four more of the unknown guards were waiting, two of whom had riot shields.

"Fuck!" Soap yelled as Y/N yanked him back just in time.

"How do we get past them?" Y/N yelled.

"That's how!" I replied, grabbing a bottle of cheap alcohol from one of the many rooms.

"What?" Y/N yelled as the gunfire got louder.

"Molotov! Hand me your rag!"

Y/n ripped the extra scarf from his belt and quickly handed it to me as I shoved it down the bottle. I had luckily brought a lighter and flicked it several times, struggling to get the flame to appear.

"Ghost now or never!" Soap yelled as he returned fire.

The flame finally broke as it reached the scarf and burned. Soap got back as I threw it, not at the soldiers but at the ceiling above. The bottle exploded and rained fire down on the men, who screamed as the flames engulfed them. The three of us opened fire at the burning mess that had once been people until the movement stopped. The smell was awful, but we would be here a long time. I went up the stairs first, carefully opening the door and killing an unsuspecting guard. Y/N and Soap followed close behind. Down the hall, a few more unknown guards ran forward towards the command room. This was it; soon Makarov would be dead, and this nightmare would be over. There was nowhere to run this time, and soon I could just relax with Soap and y/n. Those thoughts were quickly wiped away when the sound of several guns came from behind us.

"Move and you die."

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