Chapter Four

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I cupped her hips and reeled her flush to my chest. She let out a slight sound that resembled a gasp and anchored her hands flat on my chest. She was trying her hardest to push against my chest to keep me away, but that wasn't going to happen.

Now that we were married, she belonged to me. Ultimately and wholeheartedly, Elena is mine. She was even more beautiful up close like this. The dress she was wearing hid her curves from me, and even though it was a glamorous dress that showcased her gorgeous and full breasts.

I knew if she had been my initial bride, I would have bought her a better and more expensive dress. Her silky dark hair was in some fancy do, and I craved to take out every single pin and see those wild curls run down her back.

Fuck. I desired to see her hair fanned out across my pillows as I fucked her, as I took her, as I tasted her. The thought had now permanently tattooed itself in my mind. Her eyes were soft and doe-like, and their warmth shocked my heart. I couldn't hold back.

Those lips. Those sinful dark pink lips. The lipstick was screaming out to me to smear it, to fuck it up, and then to fuck her mouth. She needed it, and Christ, I'd give it to her. I'd give it all to her.

My God, I needed to taste that fucking mouth. My hand traveled upward, and I held her by the nape of her neck, keeping her in place, and dipped my head down. A loud slap echoed through the church, and it happened so fast that I think I missed it. She had slapped me right across my face, in front of everyone, and fuck, but it turned me on.

"Don't fucking touch me!" She shouted. "Don't you ever in your fucking life touch me."

It went dead silent. All I could hear was her heavy breathing and the distant sound of her heart thumping across her chest. She had spunk, something I knew she had, and I wasn't surprised by her reaction.

I would have preferred her to open her mouth and let me taste her, but this was fine. I could deal with her anger. I wouldn't have wanted Elena to change herself or change anything about herself to accommodate me. I preferred her anger because it was real. It was a hell of a lot fucking better than seeing her cry and be heartbroken.

I could deal with anger, with rage. I knew it very well myself. Anger and I had grown acquainted with each other over the years, and I knew it better than anyone else. Everyone was holding their breaths as if waiting for me to react, but I didn't have one.

All I could do was laugh, so I did. I laughed loudly. She looked stunned as she stumbled back with her hand over her chest as she tried to calm her breathing down.

"Do you want to know what that little stunt caused you, Elena?"

She swallowed, and my hand twitched to wrap around her throat and feel the pulse. I pulled my gun out of my back pocket and aimed it where her brother and that fucker Marcelo were.

"Choose one to live and one to die." She shook her head vehemently, and I took off the safety.

"No! No, stop! You can't do this! I married you. Just leave them alone."

"Enzo is your brother, so that would be the right choice. The only choice." I said tightly. "Yet you want me to save both. Who is the other man to you?"

"W-what? He's no one."

"You're lying." I tsked.

She covered her ears when I lifted the gun and shot up the ceiling.

"I'm not! I'm not!"

"Who is he to you?"

"For fucks sake, I like him!" She screamed, and her voice cracked toward the end.

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