Chapter Seven

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Oisín's personality could be categorized as an unhinged person on crack. After his screaming speech last night, he stormed out of the kitchen, leaving me with the mess in the kitchen and an even bigger mess in my head. I didn't know what to make of anything.

First, he shoots up my wedding, kills I don't even know how many men, including Marcelo, forces me to marry him, kidnaps me, and is now making me live with him in his house against my will. It didn't make any sense.

My rational mind couldn't even begin to fathom a single thing. I couldn't, for the life of me, wrap everything around my mind. Why did he kidnap me? Why was he stalking me? Why was he obsessed with me? I mean, it had to be an obsession.

Some maddening infatuation that he had for me, but why? Out of the entire population of Nevada, why has this man latched his Irish claws on me? Not only was he obsessed with me, but he had redone my room for my comfort and remodeled his entire kitchen for me.

I redid the kitchen for you. I know you love to bake and cook.

If there is anything missing, will you let me know? I'll buy it for you.

Fuck him because I do love to bake and cook and fuck him because the kitchen was a dream, and I wanted to live in it. I wanted to bake, let my thoughts disappear into nothing, and focus on something that brought me pure joy.

I was also not very keen on bumping into Oisín because as much as I hated him and hated everything he did, he was right. I knew he was. His saving me was a silent dream, and I should be thankful to him.

The thing is, I didn't want to be thankful. Well, at least, I didn't want to vocalize my appreciation. His head was already too damn big. I couldn't let him catch me in a moment of weakness, so I planned to stay away at all costs.

I needed to figure out how to get a message to my family to let them know I was alive. I needed to find some flaw in his security and escape. I couldn't stay here. I wouldn't be this man's prisoner.

Certainly, he had better things and problems to deal with, and I wasn't on his top priority list. Enzo was probably fuming and plotting a revenge plan as we spoke. If I couldn't escape this place on my own, surely my brother would come and save me.

Right? I mean, he had to. He couldn't leave me here with this man, this savage. I felt more anxious than usual, and my thoughts overwhelmed me. I didn't get out of bed the next day. I held onto the frames of my family and kept them close to my heart, and stayed underneath the covers.

There were knocks on the door every now and then, but I ignored them. I didn't get up for anything. I didn't have an appetite, and the meals Fiona left for me on trays were untouched. I wasn't trying to be difficult.

I felt like someone locked up in a jail cell, like a hostage situation, but I didn't know what Oisín wanted in return for me. Would he kill me if Enzo didn't give in to his demands? What were even his demands?

Did he even have demands? Did he want Enzo to give up his title and hand everything over to him? I didn't know. I only knew so much about our world, and what I did know wouldn't help me here.

The days passed by, and I grew even more upset. I spent my time crying and remembering the good and joyful moments of my life. I missed my family and my life. I missed the bakery. I missed my cousins. I even missed Enzo and my mother, despite how they were the days leading up to the wedding.

Enzo wasn't a bad brother. He just had terrible brother moments. He had a short fuse. As revolting as it was to give him an excuse for how he treated me, I couldn't forget all the good he did for me just because he laid his hands on me a few times.

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