Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I knew it didn't matter where Oisín took me since I've never really been out to fancy restaurants or on dates, but he went all out despite knowing these facts. The restaurant was dark and intimate, slightly packed with other couples and families, yet quiet and soothing.

The music playing in the background was similar to piano music. It was so classic and serene. The chandeliers throughout the place gave off the posh and luxurious vibe they intended.

Alone with the lush carpets, the expensive paintings hanging on the wall, and even the twinkling lights hanging over every table added to the lavish feel of the restaurant.

It was expensive. It's not like I didn't know Oisín had money, but there's money, and there's Oisín Callahan money.

I knew he had illegal and legal ventures that made him so much money that we'd never have to work a day, and neither would our grandchildren's children. But I wonder if he thought about it that way.

My father used to love spoiling me while also reminding me that money was money, it was all pieces of paper, and yes, it makes us happy, and yes, it buys us whatever we desire, but money came and went fast in our world. After that, all we had was our health, family, and the ones we loved.

Upon seeing Oisín walk in, the waiter immediately rushed out and cleared the way for us, reminding me of the day he crashed my wedding. When his men split, and he walked through.

I remember thinking he was the Devil, and maybe he was to everyone around him, but to me, he was my guardian angel, my salvation, and the only love of my life. I never thought I'd love this man the way I love him now.

I never thought I'd die from the mere thought of never being with him. He came into my life chaotically, maniacally, and I used to think he was crazy for being obsessed with me.

It was funny how the shoe was on the other foot now. I was more than obsessed with my husband; I was fucking addicted.

The few tables around us were free, and it made me wonder how much Oisín paid to get the room almost cleared out. He could have just rented out the whole restaurant, and I wonder why he didn't just do that.

I cocked my brow accusatorily at Oisín, who ignored me as the waiter, Ryan, pointed to a candle-lit table with a vase of red roses and an expensive bottle of wine. Oisín helped me into my chair and sat right next to me.

Ryan didn't show up with menus, and I looked at Oisín, confused, as he gave the young man in a suit a command with one look. He poured us some wine without sparing me a glance, and I poked a finger at Oisín's chest.

He had the audacity to look confused. "What?"

"Will you stop glaring at the poor kid?" I whispered in his ear.

He ran a hand through his hair and chuckled melodiously. "Baby, I'm not glaring. That's just my face." The kid scrambled as soon as he finished pouring the wine, and Oisín reached for my flute and handed it to me. "To getting my little wife drunk."

I giggled dolefully as I took my first sip of the fruity, tangy red wine. Wow. I licked my lips, enjoying how it tasted more than I thought it would. I've never tasted alcohol before. Even when we had events at the house, I wasn't allowed to.

Enzo would ensure that I wouldn't take a sip when he'd have his guards following me around. It felt stupid. I was over twenty-one, but women were deemed inappropriate to drink and get drunk. I almost scoffed at his stupid reasoning.

"I like it." I took another sip, and Oisín ran his fingers over my forearm.

"I want you to enjoy yourself tonight, baby." He kissed the side of my head, and I gushed.

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