Chapter Eight

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I had to refrain from stopping and jacking off in the bathroom, but hell, I was so hard it hurt. I couldn't close my eyes and try to make it disappear because she'd appear before me. All wanton, sexy, and so wet and needy.

No. I needed to think of other things, literally anything else. I wasn't planning on touching her until she begged for it, but damn it, I couldn't contain myself. She looked too sexy for me not to have touched her.

Her sexy little desperate sounds and how she looked were forever saved and etched into my memory. I couldn't wait to reminisce about them when I was alone later tonight. I could hear Aofie giggling, and I saw her in Liam's arms as he tickled her.

"Say I'm the best uncle you have! Say it!"

She laughed and tried to get away. "You're the only uncle I have!" She shouted in response, and he laughed at her remark.

She clung to him as he neared the dining room.He sat Aofie on the chair across from me and smiled at Fiona.

"Fiona, dinner looks delicious like always."

"Enjoy your meal. Will Mrs. Callahan be joining us?"

"Yes." I nodded. My gun and I made sure of it. "She should be coming down any minute."

"Daid, is she still sick?" Aofie asked.

"No, she looks like she's doing better," I answered. "Liam, will you lift her sleeves?"

Liam folded the sleeves of Aofie's dress, so she didn't get them dirty, then proceeded to fill up her plate. By the time I filled up mine and Elena's plates, she was coming into the kitchen. She was in her pajamas, and I noticed her hair was in a slick, wet bun.

She must've taken a shower to clean up. She eyed Liam for a minute, trying to remember where she saw him. Then, realizing that he was the one that held the priest at gunpoint, her eyes went wide and instinctively dropped to Aofie.

Almost like she was worried Liam would hurt her. He never would, but it was warm seeing her worry about my daughter.

"Hello." She spoke.

"Hi, Elena. Daid said you were sick. Are you better?"

"I am cara mia. Thank you."

I stood up and pulled out her chair, and she nervously walked over to me. Finally, she sat down, and I pushed her chair back in before taking the seat next to her.

"This is my cousin, Liam," I said, pointing to him.

Liam nodded his head toward her. "Mrs. Callahan."

She grimaced at the name. "Call me Elena." She blurted out quickly.

Ignoring her, he went back to eating and helping Aofie cut the chicken into pieces.

"Eat, Elena."

She stabbed the fork repeatedly over the chicken and vegetables, and her animosity was contagious as I grew short with her childish tantrum.

"I am eating." She muttered as she picked up the fork.

"Lose the attitude, baby. We're having dinner as a family, and I would hate to put it on pause and have to fuck it out of you." I whispered so only she could hear.

Her head whipped to mine, and she narrowed her eyes at me. "You're crazy."

"You want to know how crazy I am? I swear to fuck; if you don't eat, I will tie you to the chair and force-feed you myself." I snapped, and my voice went a notch higher than I anticipated.

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