Chapter Seventeen

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"Elena." I felt a hand on my cheek. "God, you're fucking adorable when you're sleeping."

"What?" I grumbled.

"I'm heading out, okay?"

I rubbed my eyes and looked up to see him sitting on the edge of the bed, already dressed in one of his suits.

"I need to pick up a friend from the airport." I nodded sleepily, and he leaned down to kiss my forehead. "Sleep, mo ghrá amháin."


I reached for his hand before he could leave, and he gave me an odd look. I was still sluggish; it felt like we had just fallen asleep. It was still dark in the room, and the light coming in from the bathroom was still dim.

I rubbed my eyes, and he didn't look impatient as he waited for me. I placed his arm around my waist and pulled him to my chest. His hand rested on my back as he hugged me back. I let out a soft sigh, and he kissed the side of my head.

"Are you going to be coming back to the house?" I asked when he pulled away from each other.

"No, I'm going to be out all day."

He caressed my cheeks with the back of his hand before cupping my head. He reeled me close so he could kiss my forehead tenderly. 

"Be safe," I whispered.

"Don't worry about me, mo ghrá amháin. I'll always come home to you."

I wanted to kiss him, and I could tell he wanted to lose himself in me as well, but it was like he was waiting for me to make the first move.

"Do you want me to kiss you?" I murmured, looking up at him.

"You ask too many stupid questions." He rasped, losing patience, and then slammed his lips onto mine. "Baby, open your mouth for me." He groaned, and I parted my lips for him on command.

We barely had a moment to ourselves before his phone began to ring. I clung to the sides of his collar and urged him not to stop, and thankfully, he didn't. Instead, he kissed me harder, his hand fully wrapped around my throat as he dominated me. I loved when he did this.

He wasn't choking me but giving me a gentle reminder that I was his. Of course, I wouldn't mind if he did choke me, but having this hand there all wrapped around my throat made me feel things.

Finally, his phone stopped ringing, and a moment passed before someone barged inside the room.

"Oisín, where-"

We broke apart before he could finish his question. He looked amused as he stood there with his hands in his pockets.

"We're going to be late, cousin." I kept my head down while Oisín said something to him in Irish, causing him to laugh. "I'll be in the car. Say your goodbyes, but make it fast." 

He lifted my chin and kissed my lips chastely. "I'll see you tonight. Be good, mo ghrá amháin."

"I will."

I walked him to the door, and it felt weird saying goodbye. I didn't want him to go. I wanted him to spend all his time with me, and my clinginess showed when I refused to drop his hand.

"Do you have to go?" I asked with a pout.

"I do. I hate that I have to, but I made a promise. I'll see you tonight." He repeated.

We shared one last desperate kiss before he pried himself away from me. Reluctantly, he dropped my hand, not before kissing it all over, and then walked out of the room and disappeared down the hall.

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