Bonus Chapter 'Welcome to the family...'

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"Everything looks good. Baby is looking healthy and strong." She handed Elena a paper towel to wipe her belly, but I took it and wiped it myself. "You still want to be surprised about the gender?" She asked us as she reached for her clipboard.


No, not really.

I was forty-seven years old. I didn't like surprises, but Elena didn't want to know, so we compromised and agreed. We wanted it to be a surprise.

"Yes." I nodded my head. I tossed the towel in the trash bin and helped Elena sit up.

"Are you experiencing any new symptoms or have any questions?"

"I'm getting a lot of heartburn. My feet are ridiculously swollen, and I can barely stand up on my feet for longer than five minutes without feeling like my back will give out."

"Back pain is very common. You're quite literally carrying a load. You're thirty-nine weeks pregnant, Elena, and the baby is very healthy and growing inside you. Those pains are regular. Warm showers can help soothe the pain, but you're almost at the finish line, Mommy.

For heartburn, maybe we can lay off spicy food and caffeine. The good thing is all your symptoms are very normal and will all go away as soon as you have your child. Are you experiencing Braxton-Hicks?"

"How do I know the difference?"

"When you're experiencing those contractions, do they fade away as soon as you move?"

"Yes, and they're not close or right after each other." She clarified.

"Exactly. When you're having true labor contractions, they'll follow a pattern, grow stronger, and be very close and right after each other."

I nodded along with Elena, soaking all the information in. Despite having Aofie, it's been years, and my ex-wife didn't want me by her side during doctor appointments and even her labor. With Elena, it was different.

We went to every appointment and ultrasound together. I even went with her when she had to do bloodwork and every other type of work there was. Elena's pregnancy was smooth sailing, her words not mine, despite the back pain and heartburn.

She had huge pretzel and pickle cravings, always something salty, and was emotional when she watched Disney movies with Aofie, but those were normal.

She still woke up early in the morning to bake if she had a sweet tooth craving and called me Daddy when I fucked her at night.

Looking at her right now, I watched her ask the doctor more questions and basked in the glow of my pregnant wife. I didn't know she could look even more beautiful than she did the day I married her, but here she was fucking, glowing, and absolutely breathtaking.

She was swollen, her face fuller, her hair thicker and longer, and I admired her like I always did with blatant love and lust. After finishing up with the doctor's appointment, I helped her with her shoes and held her hand in mine as we exited the private and reserved clinic.

Yeah, I fucking reserved the entire building and day for my wife.

"How do you feel, mo ghrá amháin?"

"Like a pregnant penguin. Be honest, is my wobble sexy?" She asked, and I froze in my steps and watched her wobble enthusiastically to the car.

"So sexy." I chuckled as I opened the car door. I stole a kiss before she got inside, and then I headed to my side. "Now tell me." I reached for her hand. "What do you wanna eat?"

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