Chapter Eighteen

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"It smells delicious," Liam said as soon as we stepped inside.

It did smell amazing, and it was making my stomach growl. When she told me she was making dinner, I refused to eat anything else all day. All I wanted to eat was food made by her, by her soft and beautiful hands.

"Your room is right over here. Let me take you so you can wash up."

I clamped my hand on Suarez's back and led him to his guest room. I opened the door for him, and he stepped in to throw his bag on the bed, then turned to me. Suarez was riddled with those black tattoos with no letters or numbers, just black all over his arms, legs, and neck.

He was around my age, married, and had four boys that he was grooming to take over his companies and businesses. He had no hair, bald and shiny, something about not trusting anyone around him that could reach for his hair.

He had more weapons on him than any man I've ever met, but even underneath all that dark exterior, he was a man of respect and morals. We met a few times and bumped heads once or twice, but in the end, we decided peace between us was better than war.

We've been close for years, always backing each other up or protecting each other.

"I'll wash up and meet you outside." He said, and I left, closing the door after me.

"Daid!" Aofie's voice ran through the halls.

I ran towards the sound to see my little girl dressed in a bright pink dress with bows in her hair. I scooped her up off the ground and held her in my arms as I hugged her tightly.

"I've missed you, mo chailín milis."

"I missed you, too." She kissed my cheek and hugged me tighter.

I returned to the kitchen, where Fiona set the table with Liam's help. "Where's my wife?"

"She's getting dressed. She's been on her feet all morning." Fiona responded as she began bringing the food out on the table.

It looked delicious and fresh, and steam erupted from everything Fiona placed.

"Daid, I helped her make the cake."

"The cake!" Fiona gasped and ran to the kitchen.

I set Aofie down and ran after Fiona, who was cursing and mumbling under her breath. The oven was beeping rapidly, and she put on her mittens to open it. A gust of smoke hit her face, and she coughed as she pulled out the dish.

The very burnt dish. She set it down on the stove and closed the door to the oven.

"It burnt." I looked to see Elena standing there frowning. "I told you to watch it, Fiona." I couldn't even admire her beauty because she looked so upset. "It's ruined. It's all ruined." 

"I'm so sorry. I must've forgotten about it." Fiona went to apologize to her, but Elena was already crying angry tears as she spun around and walked upstairs. "I really am sorry. I swear I didn't do it on purpose. I would never, Mr. Callahan."

"It's fine, Fiona. I believe you."

"She said it's her favorite cake because her grandma taught her how to make it," Aofie said. "She was crying while we made it. I think she misses her, daid."

"Liam, just sit with Suarez and watch Aofie."

"I got it, cousin. Go make sure she's okay."

I walked upstairs and knew she'd probably be in her room, so I knocked twice before walking in. She was sitting on her bed with the picture of her grandma in her hand. She didn't look up when I came and sat down next to her.

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