Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Wow, look how pretty your cupcake is." I squealed as I saw Aofie dump half the edible pink glitter on top. "It's beautiful, cara mia."

My nonna and Fiona sat across from us on the stools drinking tea while watching Aofie and I bake together. Despite their language barrier, my nonna and Fiona were shaping up to be best friends.

They spoke about everything kitchen and husband related while laughing and gossiping. It was a sight to see our families together, bonding and so close.

"Mam, can I eat it now?" Aofie grumbled while I iced the other cupcakes.

"Go ahead, but let me take a picture first. So, we can send it to your dad." I said, pulling out the new phone that Oisín bought me.

Aofie posed with her cupcake, and I snapped some shots before sending them to my husband. Aofie dug into the cupcake, frosting, edible glitter, and all, and I chuckled as I swiped at the frosting at her nose.

"This is so good." She said between bites. "Nonna, do you want to taste?" She asked.

Without waiting for a response, Aofie hopped off the step stool and went over to my grandma. Fiona hoisted her on the stool beside them, and Aofie fed my grandma.

My phone rang, and my heart nearly burst when I saw his name flashing across my screen. It never got old. Knowing that I was married to this man and that we were happy.

"Hi." I picked up.

"Hey, baby. You guys look like you're having fun. Did you save your husband a cupcake?"

"Tell her I want one, too!" I heard Liam's voice.

"Will you fuck off?" Oisín muttered.

"There's enough to feed an army." I laughed. "Don't be mean to him."

"We need to get him married," Oisín grumbled under his breath. "I sent you a dress. Did you get it?" He asked, changing the subject.

I hummed and walked out of the kitchen to continue the conversation privately.

"Is Liam still with you in the office?" I asked.

A moment passed, and I heard the door shut. "Not anymore. What is it, mo ghrá amháin?"

"You promised me a fun night. Shall I quote your words back to you, or do you remember?" I taunted as I walked down the hall. I didn't want anyone to hear this conversation.

"I remember." His voice went low and deep, and I bit my lip. "Dinner, dancing, getting you drunk, and then fucking you on the way home." 

My breathing hitched from the familiar words he gave me this morning. "I've never gotten drunk before, but I want you to know I don't care how drunk I get; I expect to be fucked by the end of the night," I murmured.

"Do you like getting me hard at work, knowing I can't do anything about it until tonight?"

I grinned victoriously. "Yes."

"That mouth. That fucking mouth of yours. It's been a while since I taught it a lesson." He rasped.

"Don't threaten me with a good time, amore mio."

"You know what you need, Elena?" I hummed in response. "You need Daddy to spank the attitude right out of you. Maybe that'll teach you not to tease Daddy when he's at work."

I whimpered, the sound tumbling out of me without permission.

"Yeah, you want that, don't you, baby? Dirty girls like you need reminders on obedience, and sometimes they only learn when they're on all fours, counting." His breathing grew harsh, and I could tell he was enjoying the scenario he was creating for the both of us.

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