Chapter Eleven

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I looked out the window of my room and saw Oisín running toward his car. He was screaming commands at the men that guarded the front doors, and as if feeling my eyes on him, he looked up. He gave me an almost apologetic look, slid into his car, sped out of the driveway, and away from the house.

I clutched my chest as this strange feeling began brewing inside my gut. Something was noticeably wrong. I didn't know what was happening, but I wasn't stupid enough to not notice the signs. Someone attacked Oisín, and now it was his job to find out who did it and to retaliate.

It was terrifying to worry about Oisín's safety, but I couldn't help but grow anxious and feel nervous about his return. It shouldn't matter to me if he never came home. Maybe that way, I could go back home, but it did.

He married me against my will and killed my brother's men, yet I was worried about him going into this war with my brother. I didn't want either of them to kill each other, but I knew Enzo wanted blood. I knew he'd never stop until Oisín paid for what he did to him, to me.

The world we all lived in was cruel and brutal and never left many survivors. It was unpredictable and unforgiving. If they were to clash, I knew both sides wouldn't give in until one was dead.

My heart hurt, and I clutched it harder as I leaned against the wall and fell to the ground. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around my knees. It didn't make any sense. I should want Enzo to kill the man who brought me here, but I couldn't find it in me to think like this.

I didn't want Oisín to die. I wanted him to live. It wasn't about how this man looked at me or spoke to me but how much his entire world revolved around me. It was staggering, being the epicenter of his entire world.

I've never mattered so much to someone or had anyone view me as salvation or sanctuary. Not only did he know everything about me, but my name was imprinted onto his skin forever, and he wore his wedding band religiously.

Like he'd rather die than ever take it off. Like he wanted everyone to know he was married. It hurt to think so poorly of Enzo, but I knew everything Oisín said earlier was all true.

When your brother took over, he burned every bridge your father worked his whole life to create. People spoke very lowly of your brother long before I decided to take you. The Polish man he is teaming with killed his brother to be the leader. He is an embodiment of everything your father despises.

I know this. I know Enzo was dishonoring my father's name and legacy. He was a horrible and brash man in command, but he was the only Morelli with the right to be in control. You couldn't question a Don, especially Enzo. He didn't mind killing a few of his men if they doubted him or second-guessed his commands.

He's doing this because the Polish want to take out the Russians, and your brother wants my trade routes and control of my distribution.

I knew deep down he was probably right. Enzo didn't care about me. He's never in his life shown kindness to me. It always felt like all we shared was blood, and even that sometimes felt like bad blood. I still remember how his hand struck my cheek when I begged him not to marry me off.

I remember his fingers branded my arms when he held me and threatened me before the wedding. But, all that put aside, I still didn't want Enzo to die. As horrible as he was to me, he didn't deserve to die for it. We weren't close, but I truly loved and cared for him deeply.

He'd always have a special place in my heart, and I wanted him alive. Oisín said if it came down to it, he'd kill him, but I hoped that, for my sake, he'd spare him again. Enzo had tarnished the Morelli name and legacy my father tirelessly worked to create.

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