Chapter Sixteen

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Before tucking Aofie into her bed, I let her choose a story for me to read. I sat next to her on the bed and read her the story, taking my time and doing the voices just how she liked.

When I saw her eyes fluttering shut, I set the book down and waited until her soft snores filled the room. Then, I stood up, kissed her forehead, and ensured the night light was on before stepping out of the room.

I walked past Elena's room, and even though I checked on her every night, I wasn't in the mood to check in on her tonight.

I was drained from work and marriage and needed something strong to drink. Since Suarez was coming tomorrow morning, Liam was spending the night, and we needed to wake up early to pick him up from the airport.

He had people, but it was out of respect for the man coming all the way from Mexico to aid us. I walked down to my study and opened the door, and to my surprise, Elena was sitting on the chair across from my desk, waiting for me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you."

She looked flustered as she twiddled her fingers in her lap. I walked over to where she was sitting and knelt before her. I grabbed her hands in mine and leaned down to kiss them.

"I've never done anything in my life. I've never gotten drunk, danced at clubs, or even snuck out of my room to meet a boy." She rambled.

"Enzo wouldn't let me leave the house, and it wasn't because he was overprotective but because he wanted to control me. The guy I had sex with, Tito? That was probably the only thing I did that was considered rebellious. Even then, it was horrible because Tito sucked at it.

I've never gone on a fun shopping spree or attended school. I've never been to the movies or sat on a beach and dug my toes in the sand.

It's stupid, I know, but that was my life with Enzo. Now, I'm here with you, and it feels like I never left as if I went from one prison cell to another.

I've never lived before, Oisín. I want to see the world. I want to do things I won't be able to do if I'm pregnant and when I'm a mother. I'm young and want a chance to live my life."

Keeping my eyes on her, I kept another kiss on both her hands. "I didn't know you felt like this, Elena. I appreciate that you trust me enough to open up to me, baby. I want you always to be comfortable talking to me about everything.

I'm sorry you feel like a prisoner in our house, but you're not. As long as you have security, you're allowed to leave and go and do whatever. Your freedom comes with security measures, which I won't negotiate on.

Your safety is my first concern, Elena. That's first of all. Second of all, clubs and drinking are something you only do with me. I won't have you dancing or getting drunk when I'm not there. Is that understood, mo ghrá amháin?"


"If you're willing to have my men go with you to school, and you want to attend a college here, then I don't mind. They have culinary schools in Nevada, but if you want to move to New York to study there, we can talk about moving there.

I never want you to feel like I'm suffocating or constricting you. You're not here for me to control you, and you're not a pawn in the twisted war between your brother and me. You're my wife, and I only want you to be happy. You want to go shopping?"

I stood up, pulled out my wallet, and handed it to her. She blinked up at me in confusion.

"Go. Buy a fucking yacht if you want. All of my accounts are under your name anyways. My money is your money. Spend it all for all I fucking care."

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