Chapter Fourteen

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When she took too long to get on, I swatted her ass hard. She jumped in surprise and let out a squeal as she went behind me and crawled onto the bed.

I got on after her, towered over her, and her legs spread to accommodate me. I kissed her forehead and bent down to look into her eyes as my fingers danced down to feel how wet she was.

"Fuck." I cursed when my fingers made contact.

She made a slight sound when I ran my fingers between her silky lips. She was soaking wet, and I grinned at how responsive she was to me.

"Who got you this wet, mo ghrá amháin?"

"I never thought you were the type of man that needed reassurance."

"You thinking about me is sexy, baby."

"That's not what I said." She muttered, but her snark was gone when I pushed two fingers in.

She gasped in surprise at the sudden movement while I stared at her in awe as she moaned and clenched around my fingers.

Her lips stayed parted as incoherent words and dirty sounds tumbled out. Her cunt was heaven to play with, and I more than enjoyed how she felt around my fingers.

I grew harder with every stroke of my fingers and every mark her nails left on my arms and biceps. I wanted her to mark my entire body with her teeth and lips. I was hers to do with whatever she pleased.

The obscene sounds of how wet she was filled and bounced off the walls. Her cheeks flamed as I forced her to keep eye contact. Her eyes were innocent, yet it made me want to dig deep and discover her hidden secrets.

Staring into her eyes was like staring at a sunrise, with so many beautiful colors that it takes your breath away and such calmness that it makes you feel safe and at home.

"Do you like it when Daddy touches you like this, mo ghrá amháin?" She bit down hard on her bottom lip and nodded. "Are you greedy for more?"

Her walls clamped down hard around my fingers in response, and I couldn't help but be arrogant as I watched her react to the pleasure I was giving her. It was me that was pleasuring her. It was me that was finger-fucking her into an orgasm.

It was my bed she was sprawled out on naked. I wanted to taste her with my mouth, but I'd do it on a different day. Now, I just wanted to stretch her out with my fingers and pry her apart wide enough to take me.

She was gasping, her body shuddering beneath me, and I leaned down to share soft kisses with her.

"Do you wanna cum, baby? Is this old man pleasuring you so fucking well that you're going to cum all over his fingers? Hmm?"

"Fuck." She whimpered. "I take it back. You're not old." She cried out when I pulled my fingers out and then screamed when I pushed them back in. "Please, please..." She licked her lips.

"Daddy, I wanna cum."

Fuck. I almost came.

I added another finger, and her eyes shut tight from the intense feeling of being stretched out. I kept going, adding a slight pressure and then aiding her to her orgasm by teasing her clit. I knew it was a lot, but fuck, she was taking it so well.

She started letting out low whining sounds, and her breathing grew harsher as I built up a steady pace with my fingers. She was taking my fingers like such a good little girl, and I was eating up every sound and face she made.

Fuck me, her orgasm face was hot as fuck, and I was about to bust a load just by looking at her. Her head fell back, hair scattered over my pillows, and I felt her hips ride my fingers faster, and her thighs fought to close around me.

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