Chapter Twelve

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"I know that face," Liam said with an exhale. "Spit it out, cousin."

"It's something Elena said this morning." I ran a hand through my hair. "She doesn't want me to kill her brother, and she doesn't want her brother to kill me."

"Okay, and?"

"I want to call Enzo and give him an offer. His sister's safe return or thirty percent of all my distributions."

He scoffed and leaned over to reach for his glass cup.

"He'd bargain for more, that greedy fuck."

"I know." I sighed. "I know this, but my wife has high hopes for her cunt of a brother. I just want to know if and when we go to war; I have another good reason to kill him.

I have a feeling it was him that left those bruises on her arm. She didn't say, but I knew it deep in my fucking gut. He laid his hands on her, and I don't think anything could save him from me."

After meeting at the hospital and dealing with the fire's aftermath, I arranged all the funerals and spoke with every family of the dead and those in intensive care. I gave them my number and told them that whatever they needed, all they had to do was call me.

It was emotional and exhausting and only fueled my anger to find out who did it. It didn't take long to find the bastard who thought it would be a good idea to try me, but it wasn't someone of importance.

Some Italian little fucker named Gio. He worked for Enzo, and it didn't take long for him to spill everything. It was pathetic. You'd think Enzo or Jakob would be more innovative than sending in someone like this to try me, but it was fine.

They'd know who they were dealing with when receiving every piece of Gio. I had wanted to burn him alive and hear him screaming, but evidently, I enjoyed the way the ax slid and cut through his bones and skin.

It didn't take him long to scream and pass out, but now that was done, I would deal with Enzo. Liam downed his drink and then proceeded to get me Enzo's number by calling one of our friends on the force.

Ten minutes later, the number was dialed, and I was waiting for him to pick up. It didn't take long for him to answer. I put him on speaker, wanting Liam to hear the conversation.

"Enzo Morelli."

"Who's asking?"

"You're speaking with Oisín Callahan."

"You fucking bastard. What do you want?" He really had the shortest temper I'd seen in my life.

"I have a proposition for you." I drawled, and he got quiet.

"I'm listening."

Of course, you are.

"I offer you two choices. Your sister's safe return or thirty percent from all my distributions. Choose one."

"Make it forty-five percent, and you've got yourself a deal." He said.

Liam gave me a look, but I put my hand up, and his narrowed eyes fell on my phone screen.

"Aren't you curious whether your sister's alive?"

"Her fate was sealed when you took her." He decided. "When can we meet to go over the details?"

Fucking bastard.

"Never." I bit through my teeth. "I'm going to enjoy fucking killing you. You greedy fucking prick. You chose money over your sister's life? You are a pathetic excuse of a man, and you're a disgrace to the Morelli family." I spat and hung up before he could respond.

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