Chapter Twenty-Six

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I squeezed her hand tightly, and she squeezed me right back. The car ride to the Morelli family house was quiet. Elena had woken me up in the night with one request.

I want to see my brother and mother.

She didn't wait for me to respond. She went back to sleep right after, and the following day woke up with me, got ready, and without even a single word, got into the car and waited for me. We headed out with a few men, and I called Liam and told him we were coming. 

We'd reach the house in no more than five minutes, and I don't know what I expected of Elena, but for her to be so calm and collected wasn't one of them. Even though the situation was tense, Elena dressed the part of a woman wanting revenge well. 

She was in a sleeveless, tight, mini-white dress that barely reached her thighs with one of those leather thigh-high boots. It didn't help that the heels were red, making me want to rip off her dress and fuck her with her heels still on. 

Her hair was tied in a tight ponytail, meaning business, and her makeup was sharp and precise. Finally, the car stopped, and I helped her out and kept my hand with hers as we walked inside.

"Cousin." Liam's voice boomed through the empty house as he ran towards us. We hugged, and he surprised me when he hugged Elena as well. "How are you?" He asked when he pulled away.

"I'm good, Liam. You?"

"I'm not going to lie. I'm bored out of my goddamn mind."

She laughed. "You have an entire estate to yourself, and you're bored?"

"I don't know what to tell you. I don't like Italians. No offense, of course. I just like my women Irish."

"You're missing out," I told him, and Elena smacked my chest playfully.

"None taken. You're fine. Now." She cleared her throat. "Where's my brother? And my mother?"

He shared a look with me but immediately went into serious mode. "Your mother is upstairs in her room. She refuses to leave it. She barely eats. She just sits in there and screams in Italian. Your brother is in the same room he put you in. All the other men that stood by him have already been dealt with."

They were dealt with, but their bodies rotted with Enzo in that room. He had left my wife with dead bodies; the smell itself was enough to make you lose your sanity, but your sense of smell. You could get used to the stench of blood, but the smell of dead bodies, piss, shit, and rust was something you could never get used to. 

He thought he was some big shit around here when he took her and put her through hell. He was nothing. Fucking nothing. I knew Liam had taken his time with him as he reminded him of his place.

"Oisín told me that there were some men that didn't stand with him. So where are they now?" She asked. 

Liam waved his hand to the few men that stood with our men, and they all gave Elena a respectful nod. 

"I know them. They were men that served alongside my father. But there is one thing I've been curious about. In the room I was in... two men were shot in there. What did you do with their bodies?"

"Nothing. We got rid of them." Liam said.

"Why?" I asked her.

"They refused to hit Enzo shot them."

"I'll deal with it," Liam said, and then we walked down to the same room he had her in.

They were all rotting, fucking disgusting bodies stacked on each other like the fucking disgusting animals they were. The stench hit you at once, and her eyes darted over to the room she was once in. I felt Elena stiffen next to me and reach for me, and I wrapped my arm around her waist, keeping her close to my hip. 

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