Chapter Thirteen

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Did he just say what I think he said?

What the actual hell?

Of course, he had this weird kink, or maybe he was taunting me because I was provoking him. Either way, the word baffled me as I gaped at him with a slack jaw and wide eyes. He was kidding.

Surely, he was trying to piss me off. I tried hard not to stare at the half-naked man, but my eyes betrayed me. I was staring, swallowing, and devouring the sight of his tattoo-riddled body, those strong arms that could pick me up and throw me against a wall, and it wasn't just his muscles and ink.

It was my name that was on his body forever and the wedding ring he wore openly. Words seemed more difficult than usual to form, and I think I was drooling like some pathetic girl who's never seen a naked body before.

Tito and I had sex a total of six times, and they were all fast-paced, with half our clothes on and hidden in some room or closet, so Enzo didn't find out. I had thought I orgasmed with him once, but after the little stunt Oisín pulled with his gun, I realized I hadn't.

He took my first orgasm that night and awakened something inside me that craved for him to offer me more. Growing impatient with my silence, Oisín stalked towards me, placed his hands on both sides of my face, and kissed me.

He kissed me ferociously, his hands holding me in place, as he lapped at my mouth like some desperate, starved man. I couldn't match his intensity, all I could do was grip his shoulders and attempt to push him off of me, but I think, in reality, I was yanking him closer.

I moaned pitifully into his mouth, urging him to deepen the kiss and delve his tongue into my mouth. He kissed me without permission and without asking if I'd be okay with it, and I don't think I cared, but I was angry that I was kissing him back.

I yanked my mouth away and pulled back to slap him. We were breathing heavily, and his eyes shined at my weak attempt to gain control. As if the slap didn't phase him, he fisted my hair and hauled me back to his mouth.

I whimpered, and he groaned so loud my entire being vibrated against him. I went limp in his arms, soft and obedient, as I let him taste me, kiss me, and run his free hand down my body. I felt his hand on my ass, and he gave me a tight squeeze before his hand came down hard on my cheek.

I felt warm and hot all over and bucked my hips against his. He chuckled into the kiss, and using his fist in my hair; he tugged me away. He leaned down and kept his eyes on me as he licked my bottom lip.

Then his hands dropped from my body, and he took a few steps back. He reached for the towel around his waist and tilted his head toward his bedroom door, which was still open.

"Get in or get out."

My heart was hammering in my chest, and how he looked at me had me shivering in my spot. I'm pretty sure I was wet because the light trickle running down my thigh was evidence that this man played my body too well.

I mean, who kisses like that? It was such a good kiss, yet it was bad. It felt wrong to kiss him and enjoy it, but I did enjoy it. Hell, I wanted him to kiss me again. I gave him my back as I walked toward the door.

I gripped the doorknob and closed my eyes as I tried to figure out whether I should walk away. My hands were sticky with sweat and jittery, and even though I knew I was making the wrong choice, I couldn't talk myself out of it.

My hand hesitated on the doorknob, and then I felt him. His body pressed hard behind mine, and I bit down harder on my lip when I realized his towel was gone and he was fully naked. I could feel his erection, and it took my lucidity away just to feel it.

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