Chapter Thirty

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She wasn't drunk yet, but a little buzzed as she set the last shot glass down. Her cheeks were pretty and flushed, and she was gigglier than usual, but fuck I loved it. I loved seeing her so carefree and happy.

She grabbed my hand, interlocked our fingers, and dragged me to the swarm of people dancing on the floor. She placed my hands on her waist and pressed herself flush against me. Fuck. I don't think I thought this through.

I was hard in seconds. I'm sure I was hard since this morning, but it was nothing new, primarily when Elena was concerned. I spanned my arms tighter and wider across her stomach and hips while her hands went behind and around my neck.

"Dance with me." She shouted so I could hear her.

She enunciated her words with a swivel of her hips, and I groaned, burying my face into her neck. She felt too perfect against me like this. She was so soft and curvy, and I knew she was naked underneath this tiny fabric of a dress.

Fuck me. I don't think we'd last a dance, especially when she began grinding her hips against me. I was either going to fuck her right here or up in my office because I didn't think I could last any longer than that.

I moved my body with hers as if I was fucking her, I bucked my hips against hers, and she was giving just as much as me, if not more. Her nails dug into my scalp, and I bit down on her neck.

My hand traveled upward to her throat, and I wrapped my hand right there, wanting to feel her erratic pulse.

Fuck, how did this calm me and turn me on at the same time?

She moved her hips in a dirtier way, and her nails were now tugging in my hair as my mouth assaulted her neck. I wanted more. I needed more than this.

"You're so fucking hot." I nipped at her earlobe. Her moan was loud, and I grinned. "So desperate and needy that you're grinding on Daddy's cock out here for everyone to see."

She spun around suddenly and yanked me to her mouth. We kissed ravenously. It was a wet and loud kiss as her arms slung around my neck while my hands went to her ass. I hauled her on my body, forcing her to feel how hard I was with her.

Losing patience, I lifted her and tossed her over my shoulder. She shouted, and I placed my hands on her ass, making sure it wasn't showing, and then I stomped away from the dance floor and up the stairs to my office.

The men that guarded the hallway ducked their heads and moved so I could get inside. Once inside my office, I sat down on the sofa, then moved her body over my lap. Her head fell to the sofa while she sprawled out over my thighs.

"Elena, do you remember what I told you?" I asked, smoothing my hands over her ass.

"Yes. Do it. Hurt me. Leave marks. As long as they're yours, I don't care."

I lifted the bottom of her dress, exposing her sexy, pert ass to my greedy eyes, and licked my lips at the sight. I was soft at first, skimming my knuckles up and down and across her cheeks.

Goosebumps erupted all over her body, and I cooed softly, my hands still squeezing and kneading the soon-to-be reddened flesh.

"Remind me why I'm punishing you right now."

"Because I teased you at work." She mumbled.

"How many do you think you deserve? 10? 15? 20?" I asked, my hands pushing the cheeks together before leaving them and watching them shake with the motion.

"As many as Daddy wants." She whimpered.

My cock jerked from her words, and she chuckled when she felt it dig into her. "Count, Elena."

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