Bonus Scene 'You wanted Daddy's attention...'

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As soon as the door clicked shut, I tip-toed slowly, very, very slowly, out of the hallway and towards Aoife's room. Once I made sure they were both still sleeping, I could finally check on my husband.

I went to his study, and with a knock, I stepped inside. He was on the phone and quickly put out his cigarette when he saw me. I had to give it to him, he was trying to quit, but with how stressed and frustrated he was when he got home today, I'd let it pass.

He was talking on the phone when I closed his study and walked over to him. I set the monitor on the desk, took off my robe, revealing a very sexy nightdress, and then climbed onto his lap. I felt his hand on my hip, firm and brutal, but I ignored his silent way of telling me to wait.

I reached for the hem of his shirt and took it off, and he gave me a warning look as he continued his business conversation in Irish. I set his shirt down and began kissing all over his chest and neck, my hips moving over his, needing something.

A quick fuck, a tumble, an orgasm, I'd take anything right now. I felt extremely needy lately, and he's been too damn busy and negligent. I felt his nails dig into the flesh of my ass, but I didn't falter from my kisses and touches.

"Listen, I'm going to have to call you back." He gritted out between clenched teeth. "Either you reschedule this phone call, or you'll be thoroughly impressed by how I can force you to." He hung up, his phone slamming down on the table.

His fingers entangled in my hair, and he yanked me so we were face-to-face.

"What the fuck, baby?"

"I'm horny."

"Christ, Elena."

I licked my lips and watched his dark eyes follow the movement. "I need Daddy."

He let out a low groan. "Fuck."

I tried to lean in, but his grip was brutal as he kept me in place.

"You don't get to interrupt an important business call and get away with it that fast. You made Daddy threaten the nice man on the phone." He tsked, shaking his head. "Apologize." I opened my mouth, but he laughed darkly. "When Daddy says apologize, he means get on your fucking knees."

He yanked me down and spread his legs so I could kneel between them. His grip on my hair didn't lessen as I undid his pants, not when I undid his zipper, and it became rougher as I pulled out his cock.

"Fucking apologize. Go on." He husked, his voice thick as he shoved me down his length mercilessly.

The sudden movement had me choking, gasping, and sputtering all over his thick, already stiff cock, and he groaned above me, his hand unrelenting in my hair as he kept me there.

Tears sprung from my eyes and streamed down my cheeks, and I looked up to see him watching me.

A few moments after watching me pathetically struggle, he began guiding my head up and down, stilling, then fucking my face, his hips bucking upwards while I knelt there and took it all.

The sound of spit and gagging filled his study, and despite the obscene position I was in, I'd never felt so confident, sexy, and turned on. My breasts were heavy and full.

I knew the longer he teased and tortured me, the more they'd leak. The thought of him tasting them like he did last time had me clenching my thighs.

"Fuck. The way you look, taking Daddy's cock down your throat. You're so fucking pretty, baby."

I couldn't breathe from the force, from the thickness that was Oisín, yet despite all that; I didn't want to be anywhere else, didn't want to do anything else but be abused by him. My eyes were wide, trained on him, as I let him know how much I enjoyed this.

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