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Chara's pov
Me and Frisk were going to visit Flowey. When we got to the tunnel where he would be we saw 10 huma- well they're not really humans, 4 of them are humans, 3 of them are werewolves, 1 of them is a neko and the other 2 are demons.

Flowey then popped out from beneath the golden flowers, we saw the neko scream at how cute Flowey was, I wouldn't use the word cute to describe him but whatever, and I saw the human with the black hair get jealous.

"Howdy I'm Flowey your new best friend!" Flowey said.

"It can talk?!" The werwolf with the blue streak said.

"Don't mind Flowey, he says that to all the humans who fall in the underground but he will try and kill you." Frisk said.

Ugh why did Frisk have to spoil the fun.

"Who are you?" The girl with glasses asked.

"Hi I'm Frisk!" Frisk said.

Frisk then pushed me making me fall and become visible to them.

"And this is Chara!" Frisk said.

"Ow!" I sarcastically said.

"Sorry about that Chara." Frisk said.

"Whatever." I said.

"Who are you?" Frisk asked.

"I'm Zane."

"Hey its so nice to meet you! My name is Kawaii~Chan!"

"Hello I'm Mac."

"Hi I'm Noi!"

"Hey I'm Kim."

"Its me Pierce!"

"It doesn't matter to you but my name is Ein."

"Hey I'm Krystal, nice to meet you!"

"I'm Aaron, its nice to meet you."

"Hi my name is Aphmau."

"Woo hoo introductions are done, can we go now?" I asked.

"Not yet." Frisk said.

"Hey we've been wondering if you've seen a girl named Kitty?" Aphmau asked. "She has pink and purple hair, is a werwolf/meif'wa and-"

"Ye we know what she looks like no need to tell us." Flowey said.

"Well can you tell us where she is?!" Zane asked.

"And here I thought Kitty would've made cool friends on the surface but she just made friends with them." I said.

"HEy I'm definately cool!" Ein said.

I just rolled my eyes.

"Sorry about her. She'll take some time till shes friendly with you and Kitty's in underfell right now so you'll have to wait a while until she gets back." I said.

"Is underfell like in here?" Aphmau asked.

"No its a au." Frisk said.

"Whats an au?" Ein asked.

"It stands for alternative universe idiot!" I said getting annoyed.

"Hey hey hey Chara take it easy on them, they're new here so of course they wouldn't know what an au is." Frisk said.

"I do." Krystal said.

"See not all of them are dumb." I said.

Kitty's pov
I was in underfell causally sipping my drink while watching Fell and Red argue.

They argue all the time and their arguements last ages. So I'm just going to go and find the Frisk and Chara in my au.

*Teleported next to Chara*

"Hey guys!" I said.

"Fuck!" Chara said jumping back. "You scared me!"

"Aw me scared you, c'mon Chara we both know you are better than that." I said in a mocking tone.

"Why you!" Chara said.

"Is there a timeline where you 2 can get along?!" Frisk said.

"Not likely." Flowey said.

"Well anywhere Kitty your friends have fallen down." Frisk said.

I turned to look at where Flowey was and saw that there were here. Ugh this is the worst of times for them to have fallen down.

"Hey Kitty!" Noi said.

"Hey Noi!" I said smiling and blushing lightly.

"Ooo Kitty your blushing!" Frisk said.

This made me blush even harder.

"Frisk!" I shouted.

"Do you love him?" Frisk asked.

"Um uh well its complicated." I said blushing.

I looked at Frisk and she had her I know you do faces on ugh so annoying.

"Well anyway, I know my friends have just gotten down here but I have something I need to take care of." I said.

"Maybe we can help you." Kawaii~Chan offered.

"No!" I yelled.

They definately can't help me with this and besides if they did come along it would only make this thing that I need to do a lot harder to do.

"No need to yell Kitty." Zane said.

"I know but you guys cannot help me with this." I said.

"Why not?" Krystal asked.

"Because only some people can help me with this and none of you are those people so bai!" I said.

I teleported back to underfell but when I saw that Fell and Red were still arguing I teleported to underswap.

Aphmau and the others can't know anything about this plan or that this plan even exisits cause if they do they will be in danger.

??? pov
Kitty has just teleported to another au and her friends have fallen down into the underground. Now if I get their souls I'll be able to recreate my au!

813 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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