Meeting Sans

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Noi's pov
After Kitty left suddenly just saying she had better things to do me, Aphmau and the others exited the entrance area and arrived in a snowy town named Snowdin.

Frisk wanted to come with us but chose not too, I wonder why and I wonder whats up with Chara cause I sensed some negativity from her.

(Noi the only people that can sense negativity in the underground are Nightmare and Dream.)

But anyways we heard rustling from the bushes so we looked in that direction.

"Hey Kiddos!"

We looked behind us and saw a skeleton wearing a white shirt covered by a blue jacket, black shorts and pink shoes and he was waving at us while holding a bottle of ketchup.

We looked behind us and saw a skeleton wearing a white shirt covered by a blue jacket, black shorts and pink shoes and he was waving at us while holding a bottle of ketchup

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He put his hand out to Aphmau.

"WHy don't ya shake my hand." He said.

Aphmau put her hand out to the skeleton but as soon as she shaked his hand we heard a fart noise.

"Haha the ol whoopie cushion in the hand trick." He said.

Pierce, Ein and the skeleton were the only ones laughing.

"Well I see some of you have a sense of humor." The skeleton said.

"Nah they'll just laugh at any prank you pull on someone." Aphmau said.

"I see. Well my name is Sans." The skeleton said.

"Nice to meet you Sans my name is Aphmau and this is Aaron, Zane, Kawaii~Chan, Ein, Pierce, Krystal, Mac, Kim and Noi." Aphmau said introducing all of us.

"Nice to meet ya'll too!" Sans said.

"Hey Sans." I said.

"Whats up kiddo?" Sans asked.

"I was wondering, when we fell down we were reunited with our friend Kitty but a few minutes later she said that she had to do something else then just left, do you know where she went and what she needs to do?" I asked.

"C'mon Noi like hes gonna know where Kitty is." Ein said.

"Actually I do. I know where she is and what she is doing but I can only tell you where she is." Sans said.

"Why is can't you tell us what shes doing?" Mac asked.

"Because if I tell you it would only get you guys in more danger." Sans said.

"Oh please we've been through worst." Aphmau said.

(I'm sorry Aphmau but emerald secret and the forever potion is not worst than this.)

"Not as worst as this." Sans said. "But follow me I'll show you where she is."

408 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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