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Kitty's pov
I was talking with Ink and Error to try and find a way to beat him when Sans showed up with the Aphmau crew.

"HEy  Error, Ink, Kitty." Sans said.

"HEy Classic!" Ink said waving.

"H3y Classic who are they?" Error asked.

"They are the Aphmau crew and Sans why did you bring them to the anti-void?!" I asked.

"Calm down Kitty they won't be here for long, they just wanted to see you." Sans said.

"Ugh great humans in my home." Error said.

"Don't mind him hes just grumpy about something." Ink said.

"No worries and Sans why do those 2 skeletons look like you?" Aaron asked.

"They are au versions of me. Ink the creator of aus and Error the destroyer of aus." Sans said.

"What are aus?" Pierce asked.

"They are alternative versions of yourself and undertale has alot of aus." I said.

"So does that mean you have aus?" Noi asked.

"Ye, you guys do too they're just on the surface." I said.

(Just letting you know that some of the surface aus I'll be mentioning are referring to some of the books I have made/or making.)

"Thats so cool!" Noi said.

"Heh thanks Noi." I said.

"Now can they please leave Sans?" I asked.

"Sure Kitty." Sans said.

"Why do we have to leave?" Zane asked.

"Because if y'all spend too long here then you'll go insane." I said.

"But what about you guys?" Kawaii~Chan asked.

"Its to late for us to leave. We've already spent too long here that we're already insane." Error said.

"Y-you guys are insane?!" Noi panicked.

"Don't worry we're not really insane that we'll kill anyone in sight." Error said.

"What Ruru's trying to say is that we wouldn't kill you guys." Ink said.

"Shut up Kiki I'll say things how I wanna say things." Error said.

"Sans hurry up and get them out of here?!" I said.

"Okie." Sans said.

Sans teleported them out of the anti-void.

"You seem angry." Error said.

"I am. Now that they are down here he is more likely to show." I said.

Ink and Error agreed with me with concern on their face.

Noi's pov
Sans teleported us back to Snowdin.

"I'll be in Grillbys just come by if you need anything." Sans said before teleporting again.

What I really want to know is why Kitty is being so secretive? I mean she didn't tell us that she was insane nor does she want us to know what shes doing.

Its all a mystery.

428 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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