Error 404

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Kitty's pov
We were about to beat Kate but then I had to reset cause Kate managed to hit Sans, hopefully the aphmau crew don't remember what happened in this timeline.

"Kitty why did you reset?!" Chara asked.

"I had too. Kate dusted Sans!" I said.

"Guys look at it this way, Sans is still alive and the aphmau crew aren't here thanks to the reset so we don't have to worry about getting them out of here." Frisk said.

"Phew." Betty sighed.

Honestly I didn't even know that she was here.

"At least the same thing doesn't happen in every timeline." I said.

"Yep." Flowey said popping out of nowhere.

"Don't be too sure."

We all looked up and saw HIM floating in mid-air.

"What do you want Error 404?!" I asked.

"Well as you know Kitty I need souls to fix my au and you guys have not gave them to me." Error 404 said.

"Since when should we give you souls?" Frisk asked.

"Ever since my au got destroyed and the children who have fallen in every au now owes me souls." Error 404 said.

"We don't owe you anything?!" Betty said.

"Why do you care? May i remind you that you wanted souls once too. So really your just like me." Error 404 said.

Betty looked down.

"Theres a difference between you and her. Shes changed and you haven't!" I said.

"And at this rate you'll never ever change." Chara said.

"Well I hope not. Anyway since I need souls I'll use my power to make it that no matter how many times you reset the aphmau crew will always fall down here every reset." Error 404 said.

"Nah I am the prince of the underground and I forbid you to do that!" Flowey said.

"And I am the princess of the underground and I also forbid you to do that!" Chara said.

"You forbid that? Glad I don't listen to rules." Error 404 said.

Error 404 lifted his finger up and blue lightening came out of it and shot up into the sky.

Error 404 vanished and the aphmau crew fell down the hole just like he said they would.

I wanted to test his theroy and so I kept on reseting and they kept on falling down here so I stopped once I figured out that it was useless.

They wouldn't remember about when they were down here last anyway so I guess its okie, I just need to keep Error 404 away from them or maybe it would be easier to keep them away from Error 404.

435 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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