A seriously big problem!

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Kitty's pov
After Error 404 left I decided to go to Nightmare's castle as I needed to tell them about this.

I teleported and arrived in Nightmare's castle, I saw Nightmare talking to Error.

"Hey Nightmare, Error there is a big problem!" I said.

"Ye no kidding. We have a big problem ourselves." Error said.

"What kind of big problem?" I asked.

"One word." Error said.

"Swad." Nightmare said.

Your kidding me?! Now we got Swad and Error 404 on the lose and Kate wanting to take the aphmau crews souls.

"Whats your big problem?" Error asked.

"Well um my friends from the surface fell down in the underground and I did a reset because Kate dusted Sans and the reset got my friends out of the underground but then Error 404 used his magic so no matter how many resets we do they fall down everytime and trust me I've done a lot of resets in the past few minutes and what Error 404 said is true." I said.

"ERROR 404'S ESCAPED?! Error shouted.

"Calm down Error. So we got Error 404 and Swad on the lose. This is bad." Nightmare said.

"I'll work on dusting Error 404!" Error said.

"And I'll work on dusting Swad!" I said.

"Listen I know you 2 hold grudges against them 2 for what happened in the past but that doesn't mean that you can just go off and dust them by yourselves plus we are a team so we stick together." Nightmare said.

"Ye I guess we shouldn't go by ourselves, it does seem a bit too risky." I said.

"Excatly! So we need to come up with a plan that we can use to dust them and don't forget we didn't trap Error 404's friends." Nightmare said.

"Ye why didn't we trap his friends?" I asked.

"Cause they didn't do anything as bad as Error 404 plus if we trapped everyone who did a bad thing there wouldn't be any genocides happening." Nightmare said.

"Ye I guess." I said.

"You okie Kitty?" Error asked.

"Ye its just I found out that the genocide player is my long lost twin." I said.

"Shit she knows who the genocide players identity is." Error said.

"Its whatever." I said.

Swad's pov
Awww my little Nighty is talking about me, how sweet and I appreciate how he stopped Kitty from trying to dust me, speaking of Kitty I do feel sorry for her, finding out that the genocide player was her long lost twin all this time must be heartbreaking for her.

Don't worry guys I'll see you again soon and when I do, Nighty you will be mine and Kitty things between us will go back to how they used to be.

You 2 can count on that.

466 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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