Searching in Alphatale

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Kitty's pov
After I was finished getting ready I went downstairs to meet the star sanses who were waiting for me.

Ink then made a portal to Alphatale and we found Candy, Fell, Frisk, Betty and Chara waiting for us.

"Took you guys long enough!" Chara said which earned them a playful nudge from Frisk.

"I said don't be rude!" Frisk said.

Chara just rolled their eyes.

"Can we just go look for this prison now?" I asked.

"Of course!" Candy said. "Should we spilt up?"

"No idiot, cause if we do and one of us finds the prison then we're gonna die, for me, you, Chara, Betty, Kitty and Frisk its fine but for the star sanses once they're dead they're a pile of dust and we wouldn't know it." Fell said.

"Fell, it wouldn't kill you to be a little bit nicer to people?" I asked.

"Yes it would." Fell said.

"Whatever." I said.

We all walked in a group around Alphatale, we knew that it would take us a while to find the prison since Alphatale is one of the biggest au's in the multiverse.

"Why does Alphatale have to be one of the biggest au's in this multiverse?" Frisk whined.

"BEcause our most powerful au's are from this au." I said.

"If Error 404's the most powerful Sans au out there then how are we going to beat him?" Frisk asked.

"We'll find a way." Blue said.

"Ye we just gotta stay strong and be positive!" Candy said.

"Does dusting Error 404 count as a positive thought?" I asked.

"Since its what we're trying to do I'll allow it." Candy said.

We just continued to have random conversations while on the search, which lasted a few hours until we saw someone just standing looking over at the cliff view.

King Multiverse.

We stopped in our tracks, we knew that King Multiverse was Error 404's creation but he also wanted to get rid of Error 404 to prove hes more powerful.

Ink told us once that making deals with him are risky as he needs to sign it with your soul as to why Error is soulless, he escaped the clutches of King Multiverse but left without his soul.

He slowly turns around and sees us standing there staring at him, no doubt he recognizes some of us.

"Why hello Star Sanses and Kitty, looks likes you brought some friends over, what are you guys even doing here?" King Multiverse asked.

416 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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