Swad's plan

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Swad's pov
So they're already remembering things from the previous resets, soon they'll acquire reset and when they do they will be perfect for my plan. I mean they already are perfect for my plan so maybe I should start doing my plan.

So first I have to reopen the golden apple factory and catch up with my pals Ink and Blue (dreamswap) and then we can reopen the golden apple factory together.

I know Kitty and Nightmare won't likw it but who says that they have to know.

I was just watching the aphmau crew enjoying their time Grillbys when Error 404 appeared next to me.

Honestly hes probably here for the same reason as me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm here because I need the aphmau crews souls so I can remake Alphatale." Error 404 said.

(OR you can just ask Ink to remake Alphatale for you, he is the creator of all aus for a reason 🙄)

"Why are you here?" Error 404 asked.

"I wanna get Kitty and Nightmare's attention and y'know since I'm evil and all I think I can get their attention by kidnapping them and placing them in the golden apple factory." I said.

"You should definately do that and I thought the golden apple factory was abandoned." Error 404 said.

"It is but me, Ink and Blue (dreamswap) are gonna make it active again." I said.

"Sweet. Hey you and I should team up cause we both wanna harm the aphmau crew and I'm doing it for souls and your doing it for attention and if we trap them in the golden apple factory then we can both get what we want." Error 404 said.

"Ye and imagine how much more powerful we would be if we worked together." I said.

"I can imagine, we would have so much power combined. No-one would stand a chance against us." Error 404 said.

"Yep so I would be overjoyed if we teamed up." I said.

"Its a deal then. We just need to figure out how to lure the aphmau crew to the golden apple factory." Error 404 said.

"They don't know us plus when they get in the golden apple factory they can't get out not even with magic so just wait for them to come out of Grillbys and leave it to me. Just go find Ink and Blue from dreamswap tell em your working with me then tell em the plan cause this is gonna be a while since everyone and every monster stays at Grillbys for a long while." I said.

"Okie." Error 404 said.

Error 404 teleported to dreamswap probably. A few minutes later I got a call from Error 404 saying that the factory has been reopened, that was quick and now all I need to do now is wait for when they come out of Grillbys.

483 words

Just so you guys know the golden apple factory is just apart of my au for dreamswap.

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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