The void

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Kitty's pov
Frisk told me that APhmau felt someone watching her which means that the genocide player was watching them so me, Catherine and Sans are going to pay the genocide player a little visit.

I never met the genocide player before and everyone I asked refused to tell me who it is so I can't wait to meet them and give them a little payback for what they put me and my friends through.

"You ready?" Sans asked.

"Ye." I said.

"Kitty before we go I need to tell you that seeing the genocide player may be a bit of a shock to you but everything is real." Catherine said.

"Mhm. Can we just go?" I asked.

"Yep." Catherine said.

Catherine opened a portal that led to the void, we all walked through and Catherine led us deep in the void where the genocide player is.

"Hey you!" Catherine said.

"Ugh what do you want now?"

That voice! It can't be. The genocide player stepped in the light part of the void and it was Kate!

"I see you brought Kitty and Sans with you." Kate said.

This is why no-one wanted to tell me that the genocide player was Kate, cause it would make me heartbroken that Kate could've done this to me and my friends.

"Kate if your the genocide player and Catherine if your the pacifist player, does that mean that I'm the neutral run player?" I asked.

"Aww Kitty figured it out, thats cute." Kate said.

"I didn't want to tell you all this but yes you are the neutral run player." Catherine said.

"Kitty if you want we can just leave this up to Catherine." Sans said.

"No. I'm staying." I said.

"Ye Sans, Kitty wants to have a reunion with her twin sister." Kate said.

"Leave them alone Kate." I said.


"Stop watching my friends, I'll never let you get their souls!" I said.

I ran up to her, knife in hand and went in to attack but Kate dodged it in time.

"No can do sorry sis." Kate said.

"Kitty we can solve this without violence." Catherine said.

"No we can't. Kate said it herself, she won't stop till she gets their souls." I said.

"Sorry Catherine but Kitty has a point." Sans said.

"Sans, you can't be serious!" Catherine said.

"You heard them Cathy, they want to fight me, so let them fight me." Kate said.

"Catherine you get out of here, leave this to me and Sans." I said.


"If Kate kills me then someone needs to protect my friends from her and I trust that you'll protect them from her." I said.

Catherine nodded and made a portal to the underground, after she lept through it, it sealed.

"How pathetic. Catherine running off like a coward, though if I had to fight me then I would run of too." Kate said.

"Shes the pacifist player. You know that they don't fight." Sans said.

"Ye I know but before she died she learned Karate so I thought she would've used that against me." Kate said.

"If she wasn't the pacifist player she would've." I said.

"Ye ye, lets just get this over with, I'm getting bored." Kate said.

Sans got his gaster blaster ready and me and Kate got our knives and magic ready and we all got in our battle stances.

"Alright then, come at me guys." Kate said.

573 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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