The golden apple factory

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Swad's pov
It was dark and they only decided to come out of Grilbys now! Well I should be grateful cause nighttime is actually a better setting for my plan! 😈

APhmau's pov
It was getting dark and we have been here for hours so I checked up on everyone and we all decided to leave.

Swad's pov
Time for the plan to be put into action.

(Watch up to 3:04, can watch until the end but Swad stops singing it at 3:04)

Deep in the pages of history
Lies a shadow hiding in a mystery

"Who is this guy?" Aphmau asked.

A late night story buried far away
Until it once again sees the light of day

"Is this guy talking in riddles or something cause I don't know what hes saying." Ein said.

And when the little colts and fillies turn out all the lights
Tell a story of a factory as black as night

*Teleports him and the aphmau crew to the golden apple factory*

"Where are we?" Zane asked.

The luxury of rainbows comes at a price
So just ignore the screams, and don't think twice
You've proven to yourself and to all of us
That you're not fit to fly like a pegasus
You don't even deserve those wings you bear
When you stand beside a legend, you don't even compare
All of the failures help to fuel success
In the bloody and visceral weather game of chess
And just because you've disappointed you'll pay the price
Now accept your fate and die in the Pegasus Device

B̲l̲u̲e̲ ̲(̲D̲r̲e̲a̲m̲s̲w̲a̲p̲)̲
Phantom screams echo through the ruined facility
A horrible silence builds an eerie tranquility
The souls of many innocent fill the air
And the hope that they all died with scattered here and there
A mighty machine built within the wake
Of a long dead dream, little demon awake
The citizens sleep, never quite knowing when
The device will reawaken, hungry again

E͟r͟r͟o͟r͟ ͟4͟0͟4͟
You've proven to yourself and to all of us
That you're not fit to fly like a pegasus
You don't even deserve those wings you bear
When you stand beside a legend, you don't even compare
All of the failures help to fuel success
In the bloody and visceral weather game of chess
And just because you've disappointed you'll pay the price
Now accept your fate and die in the Pegasus Device

All of the failures help to fuel success
In the bloody and visceral weather game of chess
And just because you've disappointed you'll pay the price
Now accept your fate and die in the Pegasus Device

"Who are you?!" Kim asked.

"I'm Swad. One of the Sans aus." I said.

"Well what do you want with us?!" Kawaii~Chan asked.

"Its not what he wants its what I want." Error 404 said.

"Ye hes right. I just brought you guys here so that Kitty and Nightmare will come here he on the other hand wants your souls." I said.

"Well hes not getting our souls." Krystal said.

"And your not getting out of here." Error 404 said.

"Magic don't work her. Well as long as your a prisoner here you can't use magic and if your not a prisoner then you can use magic here." I said.

Krystal tried to use her magic and it didn't work.

"See? None of you will be able to leave this place." I said.

"Golden apples!" Ein said.

"Um is he okie?" Blue asked.

"Ye he just likes golden apples." Zane said.

"Ye I haven't tested them out yet so don't eat them." I said.

"But I wanna eat them." Ein said.

"Stop thinking with your golden addiction for once Ein!" Zane said.

"Okie." Ein said sadly.

Me, Error 404, Ink and Blue left them and we sent Fatal Error to watch over them.

648 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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