Exploring the waterfalls

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Aphmau's pov
After Sans teleported to Grillbys we decided to explore this unknown land.

We were about to leave when Frisk and Chara said they would come with us, well Chara didn't wanna come with us but for some reason she can't leave Frisk's side.

We met some cool people like Alphys and Undyne, Undyne tried to kill us at first but when Frisk told her that we were her friends she stopped and Alphys has made a really cool robot that is into fashion, the robots name is Mettaton

They have all been really kind but I always have this feeling that someone is watching me but when I look around I only see Chara, Frisk and the aphmau crew.

I still had that feeling but whenever I looked around I only saw the same thing.

"You okie?" Frisk asked.

We were walking by the waterfalls and Frisk must've noticed that I was looking around.

"Ye I just always get this feeling that someone is watching us but when I looked around I didn't see anyone so its probably just me." I said.

Frisk's calm face turned to one of dispair and shock.

"That is not just a feeling. We are being watched." Frisk said.

"You knew?!" I said shocked.

"Well ye. In the underground someone called the genocide player is always in the void watching everyone who falls into the underground." Chara said.

"Does the genocide player have a name or is that actually their name?" I asked.

"Nah she has an actual name and her name is Kate." Frisk said.

Wait her name is Kate?! Like Kitty's sister? No no silly Aphmau it can't be the Kate I know cause shes already dead!

"She can't harm you when shes in the void and shes trapped in the void so try and ignore that feeling cause she can't harm you." Frisk said.

"Okie." I said.

Kate must be dangerous if she was trapped in the void. There must have been a reason on why she was trapped there in the first place.

I need to find out who she is and why she was trapped in the void in the first place and Sans seems to know this place well so I'll ask him once we get back to Snowdin so I can go to Grillbys.

"Hey Aphmau." Kawaii~Chan said.

"Hey KC!" I said.

"This place is really pretty, wanna explore more of it together?" Kawaii~Chan asked.

"Of course Kawaii~Chan." I said.

Me and Kawaii~Chan started to explore more of the waterfalls together.

429 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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