Finding Error 404's base

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Kitty's pov
It seemed like we were searching forever but we finally found his base.

"Finally." I said.

"So whats the plan?" Fell asked.


"Its Error 404, we can't just waltz in there and expect it to be okie." Fell said.

"Okie then, we split up, one group goes and finds the aphmau crew while the other group goes and bails Error 404." I said.

"Okie then so whos in each group?" Betty asked.

"Okie so me, Betty and Frisk in one group and Fell, Candy, Lust and Chara you giys will be the other group." I said.

"Hey Kitty can our group be the group to bail Error 404?" Candy asked.

"Ye I wanted to be in the group that would be looking for the aphmau crew anyway." I said.

"Hey Candy since when do you want to fight someone?" Chara asked.

"Me and Lust will tell you guys in the minute." Candy said.

"Okay." Chara said.

"Enough with the chit chat lets go in there and get this over with!" Betty said.

Damn someones annoyed.

We went into the base and split up, me, Betty and Frisk looking for the aphmau crew while Fell, Chara, Lust and Candy look for Error 404 and bail him long enough for us to get the aphmau crew far away from here without anyone dying.

"This base is huge." Frisk said in awe.

"That just makes it harder to find them." Betty said.

"Tell me about it. They could be anywhere in this humongus building." I said.

"Well whatever happens we have to do this quick, we don't want the others dying because of us even if they can reset." Betty said.

"Awww your actually caring about someone that isn't yourself." I said.

"Shut up Kitty." Betty said.

"I swear to god if you guys start arguing no-"

"Whats wrong Frisk?" I asked.

"I think they might be in that room." Frisk said staring at a metal door.

327 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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