Aaron's ideas

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Krystal's pov
Great we're trapped in a factory. I tried using my magic but like Swad said magic didn't even work and the guy who was watching us seemed lame.

(Don't call Fatel Error lame...call him a depressed copycat)

Ein's mouth was watering at the golden apples, Pierce, Mac and Noi were sleeping, Kim was reading a book, Aaron and Zane were trying to find ways to break us out of here and Aphmau looked like she was deep in thought.

(Kitty.. Why? How? Did Aph become Gb? - Krys

Nah Krys it was just a typo don't worry Aphmau isn't a boy. - Kitty

"Hey Aphmau, whats up?" I asked.

"I was thinking if they're trapping us and if Kitty's the one they want then what are they going to do to her?" Aphmau asked.

(To answer that one of them wants to kill me and the other one wants to brainwash me. No biggie!)

"I don't know but I do know that if we find a way to escape then Kitty won't come here and their plan would fail." I said.

"SO help us find a way out of here then!" Aaron said.

"I would Aaron but right now I'm trying to comfort your wife because shes sad about what they want to do to Kitty!" I said.

"They said powers wouldn't work right?" Aaron asked.

"Ye." I said.

"They didn't say anything about brute strength." Aaron said.

"Its pure brick." Zane said.

"So?" Aaron asked.

"I'm pretty sure that someone was left to gaurd this cell so breaking a wall wouldn't be a good idea even if you could break it." Kim said.

"I could just go full werewolf on them." Aaron said.

"They have magic." Aphmau said.

"And?" Aaron asked.

"Magic easily breaks strength." I said.

"Fine I won't use any of my ideas then." Aaron said.

"You can use your ideas we just need to make a plan." Kim said.

324 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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