Found them!

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Blue's pov
After we got Kitty to get some rest we decided to take over on what she was doing which was trying to find a way to defeat Swad and Error 404.

WHenever it comes to Swad, Dream becomes super protective of Nightmare since Dream and Nightmare are brothers and Nightmare told him that Swad can make him feel uncomfortable sometimes which he would never admit to the rest of us, the only reason I know this is because Dream told Nightmare that he should tell the others so they can help him stay away from Swad.

"Guys guys!" Lust said as he came running in the room.

"Shhh Kitty's sleeping. What is it?" Dream asked.

"Y'know Kitty's friends that fell in the underground." Lust said.

"Ye. "Dream said.

"Candy told me they're missing." Lust said.

"Seriously! We just got her to calm down." Ink said.

"Well we have to tell her somehow." I said.

"Lust has Candy told you anything else?" Dream asked.

"No, she says she will tell me if theres any updates on the search. Right now Frisk, Chara, Betty, her and Fell are looking for them but sadly no luck." Lust said.

"I can look at multiple aus at the same time so I'll just go to the doodle sphere and do that." Ink said.

"Okie!" I said.

Ink made a portal to the doodle sphere and the portal closed as soon as he went through it.

"I guess we just wait till Ink comes back." I said.

"Mhm." Dream hummed in response.

After 20 minutes Ink came back. That didn't take long.

"I can confirm that they're in a dungeon deep in Alphatale." Ink said.

"I bet Error 404 kidnapped them." I said not thinking how obvious that statement was.

"Course he has. Lust tell Candy that they're in Alphatale and that we'll meet them there." Dream said.

"Okie." Lust said.

"What about Kitty?" We can't just leave her here." I said.

"We're not. Just wake her up and tell her that we're going to Alphatale." Ink said.

"Okie." I said.

I teleported to Kitty's room and tapped her on her shoulder and she turned to look in my direction.

"What?" She asked.

"Get changed cause we're going to Alphatale!" I said.

"Why?" Kitty asked.

Okie I did not think this part through.

"We wanted to go there to see if there were any clues on how to defeat Error 404." I said.

"Okie sure just give me a few minutes." Kitty said.

I left the room so she could get ready in peace.

430 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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