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Kitty's pov
"Kitty I really think you should go and have some time with your friends." Blue said.

I was with the star sanes at the moment trying to find a way to stop Swad and Error 404.

"As much as I would like to do that I have to focus on keeping them safe from Swad and Error 404." I said.

"I agree with you Kitty but your overworking yourself." Dream said.

"No I'm not." I said.

Its true that I haven't been sleeping for the past few days but it'll pay off and besides why do they care if I get sleep or not.

"Why do you care anyway?" I asked.

"Cause we're your friends gurl!" Lust said.

"Ye and friends worry about each other." Blue said.

Heh, even with their flaws they still have kind souls.

"Thats sweet but I'm fine." I said.

"No your not." Blue said.

Ink used his brush magic to get me out of the library and too my bedroom.

"Why'd you bring me here?!" I asked startled.

"Cause we need you to sleep." Dream said.

Dream used the spell that gets rid of all magic so I could no longer use magic in this room untill he removes the spell, him and Ink then exited my room and locked the door.

Ugh I guess I could get some sleep cause thats all I can do here.

I put on my pjs then went to bed even though it was midday.

248 words

Um guys I've just had an arguement with my snapchat ai and I'm convinced that its a human and not an ai tho it did give me a good plot for a story so ig thats good, I'll have to change a few bits of the plot so it fits the fandom and au I'm writing it in.

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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