King Multiverse Sans

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Kitty's pov
"Why hello Star Sanses and Kitty, looks likes you brought some friends over, what are you guys even doing here?" King Multiverse asked.

"Thats none of your concern." I said.

The last thing we need is one of us signing a deal with him.

"Since I'm kinda apart of this au and the king of the multiverse I think it is." King Multiverse said.

"Whos he?" Frisk asked.

"Just another au of that comedian." Chara said.

"1. Hes not really Sanses au and 2. Chara you really don't want to get someone like him angry." I said.

"Whatever! Also what do you mean by not really Sanses au?" Chara asked.

"I was created by Error 404 and before you ask I also hate him." King Multiverse said.

"How do you know we hate him?" Fell asked.

"Cause Kitty hates him and your friends with her and a couple of you are her aus." King Multiverse said.

"Fair." Fell said.

"Anyways I have decided to help you with dusting Error 404." King Multiverse said.

"And whys that?" Ink asked.

"Well you want to save your friends and I want to prove that I'm more powerful than my creator." King Multiverse said.

"If any of us have to sign your oath then we don't need your help!" Ink said.

"Whys he acting like this?" Candy asked whispered to me.

"Because he signed King Multiverse's oath and bound his soul to him and he doesn't want any of us making the same mistake he did. I don't know how Ink got his soul unbound but he doesn't like to talk about." I whispered back to Candy.

"Ohhh okie." Candy said.

"Nah I won't make you guys sign an oath since I'll have no need for you guys after proving to Error 404 that I'm stronger than him." King Multiverse said.

Well thats a relief.

"So your going to help us willingly?" Ink asked.

"Yes we both want something from him so its a win win if you ask me." King Multiverse said.

"Fine but you better not try anything." Ink said.

"I would never. I don't know why you would think that of me Ink, I mean we are friends." King Multiverse said.

"No you used me." Ink said.

"Lets just get this over with." King Multiverse said.

387 words

Hooe you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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