THe orb

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Error 404's pov
Before Swad kidnapped Kitty's friends I was trying to find out everything I could about this orb.

The orb has the power to make the person or people wielding it immune to attacks which is what we needed.

Last thing I known was that Lust and Candy had been keeping it hidden in their au (mainly because no-one dared to go to that au).

A few months ago I had stolen it from their au and they didn't even notice.

(For your information Error 404, Candy and Lust has joined the search party that wants to kill you and they are no longer in their au instead spending more time in the other aus so ye I think they noticed)
(Krys Lust and Candy are good people)

And now I have an excuse to test it out.

(Your only testing it out now?!)

"Error 404, they're on their way." Bill said.

"Excellent." I said.

"And they're with King Multiverse." Bill said.

"Fuck that guy!" I said.

(I don't think u realize how dirty that sounds 😨)

"We can take them on afterall we were already powerful before but now that we've got this orb, we'll be even more powerful!" I said.

(I thought you said that the orb makes you immune to attacks 🤨)
(Thats what makes them more powerful)

Candy's pov
Me and Lust didn't tag along with them to save Kitty's friends, we were worried about them once we found out that they were kidnapped but the real reason we tagged along with them was because we know that Error 404 was the one who stole the orb.

We haven't told anyone but we might have too if we're all gonna fight Error 404, but what if we can't get it back?

"Hey Candy whats wrong?" Lust asked.

"What if we can't get the gem back?" I asked.

"I'm sure we can, and we will." Lust said.

"But when we fight Error 404 hes bound to use the orb and that makes him immune to any and all of our attacks." I said.

"So what? We'll just have to find another way to beat him. Now sitting here sulking isn't going to do any of us any good so lets join the others and continue our search okie." Lust said.

I nodded and me and Lust walked back to the group.

385 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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