Error 404's creation

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Kitty's pov
I haven't gone back to undertale in a while, I've just been busy trying to stop Error 404 and Swad from taking their souls and possibly taking over the entire multiverse.

In mind:

"Kitty didn't you tell me that Error 404 created a Sans au and then his creation wanted to destroy him?" Raven asked.

"Well ye thats why Error 404 needed our help + Swad's help to trap him cause Error 404 believed that his creation could beat/dust him and before his creation was made he was the most powerful Sans au in the multiverse so we can't really have his creation running around the multiverse." I said.

"Well why don't you get his trust?" Raven asked.

"I would but hes not really the trustworthy type, I mean Error 404 created him and he tried to dust him." I said.

"I thought you wanted to get rid of Error 404 too? Plus isn't he the king of the multiverse?" Raven asked.

"Yes I do want to get rid of Error 404 and yes he is the king of the multiverse but he is selfish and will only hurt others so he can be praised." I said.

"I get what you mean hurting others just to be praised is wrong but you can tell him that he'll be praised for hurting Error 404." Raven said.

"But to do that I would have to give him my soul hence why Error doesn't have a soul, he had to fill an oath that King Multiverse made and now King Multiverse has his soul." I said.

"Okie thats a problem. You can't let him take your soul." Raven said.

"Excatly! But I guess I could try and talk to him and see how that goes." I said.

"Okie are you gonna tell anyone?" Raven asked.

"No way they would try and talk me out of it." I said.

"And what if King Multiverse tries to kill you, y'know your fight button or reset button won't work against him." Raven said.

"Well he gets praised by hurting people but in reailty he hates hurting people." I said.

"SO how do you know that he didn't hate hurting Error 404?" Raven asked.

"He trisd to dust Error 404. HIS OWN MASTER. I don't think he would've hated hurting him." I said.

"Okie fine whatever." Raven said.

Out of mind:

SO now I have to talk to King Multiverse without the others finding out and without him trying to kill me.

Fun! 🥲

419 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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