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Welll,,, we knew this was coming. GRAPHIC ALERTTTTT 🫶🫶🫶

Before we knew it, we were laying on mattresses on the floor. I'd take it over the floor any day but given it's a mansion, I was surprised not every room had exquisite beds. Then again, Shepherd still hated us- I'm almost positive.

I lay on my back as I stare at the ceiling, a blank expression on my face. Todays events have been too eventful. And I hoped the others were okay at the very least. I sigh, turning on my left side and slightly jumping as I stare into the eyes of Ghost. He has his Baklava on along with a black t shirt and his cargo pants. He was laying next to me.

"How long have you been there?" I whisper. I look over to Soap, who was still sleeping and snoring.

"A while. You've been busy staring at the ceiling," he points up.

I manage to let out a small laugh, shaking my head. "Yeah- let's just say this is one of the most eventful missions I've been on yet." I say.

"I'd say so myself," he says as he looks me up and down. I knew he was referring to the night club scene; I just knew it. I look at his deflating and uplifting chest, his expression tense yet relaxed. I was surprised he wasn't camped out in the corner of the room somewhere, staring at me and debating on what smart comment he would make to me next.

"Thank you," I say as I look to Ghost.

"For?" He looks at me directly in my eyes.

"Earlier.." I wander off as I remember the humiliation.

"You don't need to thank me for defending you against sexual assault, Laswell.." he says a little too solemn. He probably has has personal experiences with it in his life- but I wasn't about to ask.

"I suppose.." I say as I bite my cheek. "I've been trying to pass the time, hoping to just see the light come through that window. The halls and every room are loaded with guards..." I sigh. "There's no way out of this cell after dark."

"Not exactly." Ghost says. He sits up, offering a hand. I take it, pulling down a big white t shirt I found over my black boxer brief underwear. I look to Soap lazily snoring as Ghost leads us to a room next door.

"A connected room? I thought it was a closet," I say.

Ghost turns the knob, opening the door to a connected room. It was still small, a mattress laid on the carpet.

"What's so special about this one?" I ask.

Ghost then points to the barred window. Of course it was barred- we were five stories up. I walk over to the window, leaning over as I look at the night sky and the stars. You could tell it was cold outside by the looks of the fog that roamed throughout the air. It was clear in some areas and hazy in others.

"When do you think we are getting out of here?" I turn my head to Ghost who has his hands by mine on the window seal.

"Not sure. We will begin to scope everything out, just gotta make it not suspicious.." he says.

"Well at least I could pass my time doing this," I sigh as I catch sight of the moon hiding behind clouds.

A pair of hands wrap around my waist from behind, bringing me into a big and warm body. Then, a hot breath traveling down the nape of my neck and into my ear.

"Or this, perhaps?" Ghost murmurs in a raspy tone.

I find myself unable to respond, my body feeling as though it was floating on a cloud. His hands press in slightly on my lower stomach, caressing my figure. Then, they lightly slip underneath the thin fabric, grabbing onto my upper thighs. My body burns yet again as his hands travel. I look down, seeing the veins come out from his skin by thanks to the moonlight. I tilt back my head as I hear his mask slide off, his wet lips caressing my neck and shoulder. His hand slowly slides down my sleeve, making sure to take his time.

Ruby Laswell x Ghost (Vol. 2-4) Shattered Souls/Bandaged Bruises/Sinful Souls Where stories live. Discover now