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The next few days have been a blur. I felt ever since I found out, my whole mind and body has become numb. At least I had an answer to why I felt the way I have been feeling, but it wasn't what I had predicted. Ever since I found out, my sickness has gone down. I felt almost normal again, but I knew it was my mind trying to play itself into being normal.

Ghost has been making sure to take care of me in the most subtle way possible, enough to make it not seem suspicious. At night he would sneak me an extra MRE, or he would offer to rub my stomach to ease the pain I felt from time to time. I was thankful for him; but I also felt sorry for him. Imagine taking care of a girl you accidentally got pregnant after ghosting her for a complete year. 

"Alright, today we are going to try and capture Shao. We need to before he flees- he knows we are here." Price says.

"Did Tao tell you?" Soap asks.

"Yes, he has a few of his men spying for him." Gaz finishes.

"So we need to get into his safe house and haul ass in and out," Price orders.

"Who's going in?" Gaz asks.

"I will," I offer.

"No-" Ghost begins to talk, but I shoot him a look.

"Ghost and I will both go in, with Soap. Just like we did with Hassan," I correct.

"Sounds good to me, I'll prepare the car and Gaz will plant the explosives on their getaway cars." Price says. "It was effective back in Mexico, so I imagine it will be here."

I nod, heading over to the bed and slinging the duffel bag over my shoulder. I felt somewhat normal today, which was something to be thankful for. As long as I didn't think about it too much I was okay.

"Ruby," Ghost puts a hand on the bed next to me. "You'll be alright?"

I nod. "Yeah. I'll be fine, I can't just subtract myself from this mission."

"Alright." His hand slides across my back as he leaves the room with me following behind him.

We hop into the car, Price sliding in the drivers seat per usual. It was just like the good old days.. plus one. I look down at my stomach as I sat.

"You feeling better LT?" Soap asks with a nudge.

"Yeah, just had some menstruation stuff." I say.

"That stuff sounds like shit," he says.

"Because it is," I laugh.

I wish I had menstrual problems right about now.

The car takes off down the road, and we begin to cut through a field from the alley.

"Where's this safe house?"

"Tao sent coordinates. It's somewhere in a cabin in the middle of nowhere." Gaz responds.

"So Hassan stays in town and Shao heads out," Ghost says.

"Precisely. Alike but different." Price says.

"Capture or kill? Or do we have permission to execute," I ask.

"Execute if needed, but Tao wants the Asshole alive for interrogation." Price says. "I've had a run in with Tao on a few occasions- he's the Makarov of China."

My expression drops forgetting about the whole ordeal in Russia. It was a nightmare from hell.

"Well we are going to kill that son of a bitch," Soap says energetically.

I purse my lips as I look out of the windshield window. The bumps make my stomach twist, causing me to close my eyes. Just pretend everything is normal, and you'll act normal. It's just like the good old days.

Ruby Laswell x Ghost (Vol. 2-4) Shattered Souls/Bandaged Bruises/Sinful Souls Where stories live. Discover now