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I didn't know what to think. It was as if I was trapped in a damn unintentional love triangle. Soap was my best friend, and my feelings for him were always reciprocated. As best friends. But now? I wasn't sure how I felt. I wanted to, but I didn't know a damn thing.

It wasn't a bad kiss. I felt as though there was some sort of authentic emotion on both ends- but was it out of loneliness? Desperation? Desire? Hell if I knew.

The way Ghost stared at me, and the way he shot daggers into Soap as I passed him. I could almost feel the heat radiating off of his gaze. I'm almost surprised he didn't say anything, but it was better for everyone that way.

I didn't want love, I didn't want feelings. It shouldn't come in the package. But for me, the unexpected always becomes the expected.

All I knew was that we had to get this mission done, shoving all feelings and unwanted thoughts aside.

I lean onto the boat railing, the cold splashes of sharp water and wind hitting my face. I look up at the stars and moon, watching how their light spreads to the clouds around them. Night time was beautiful; by far my favorite time of day. It was almost as though everything disappeared in real time. It left me alone with my thoughts, brought me comfort.

"Alright, we are approaching the boat! Make sure
you sweep out every single soldier you see. No one is spared- if they give you any sort of intel, let them. Then shoot them dead." Price warns.

"Yep. They're on default to kill no matter the costs." König agrees. He's been stationed here for about a month already, scoping out the streets of Japan and trying to get intel from the inside out- with little to no luck.

"Go in silent," I say as I look out onto the water. I feel eyes on me as I look down at the motor cutting the waves. "Anchor the boat from a distance, we swim to the boat and sneak on. This is a typical tourist boat; they won't expect a thing." I say.

"Especially since they're traveling the main route," Ghost says.

"Is this a hijack?" Soap asks.

"Sort of. We need to do this first, then contact Tao." Gaz says.

"What do you say, LT?" Soap asks looking over to Ghost. He was trying to act inconspicuous, but it was miserably failing. I look at Ghost who looks at me, his eyes unmoving from mine. He reas nothing but stone cold and a dark pit. But he dug this grave himself; I could never defend his decision to run away from confronting his emotions.

"Sounds good to me." Ghost finally says.

I wrap my arms around my body, sighing as I rub my hands against my arms. One thing I missed about military clothing? Being able to stay warm through the thick ass fabric.

The boat comes to a slow haul, the motor going silent and the water slowly becoming still.

I turn around, grabbing the gun leaning against the crate and wrapping it around my shoulder. I look behind me, seeing the boat in the distance. About a quarter mile swim, not too bad. But the boat was fucking huge. You could see guards stationed on each corner wing in the distance, bearing guns.

"Me and Gaz. Cover south. König and Soap, you cover west and east. Ghost and Phoenix, cover north." Price says.

"What the fuck?" I say.

"You have an issue, Phoenix?" Price asks. "You're the only two LTs even allowed to attend a mission together because of your efficiency."

"Hell yeah, I do. I get what you're saying. But.. please. Pair me with MacTavish." I say.

"Can't do that. We need two strong snipers on that end, it's where foot traffic is lightest. You and Ghost are good on close distance- have to do it." Price says.

I look to Soap, who mouths sorry to me. I then look to Ghost, who seems to have a smug look on his face. Fucking great. Well I wasn't saying one word to him, that much I promised. I'm here to complete a mission, not distract myself like an idiot. Not again.

"Whatever. Let's just fucking kill some assholes and get the hell out of here," I say as I prepare to jump off of the boat. Everyone lines up beside me as we all exchange nods and glances, jumping into the deep abyss of cold water.

Ruby Laswell x Ghost (Vol. 2-4) Shattered Souls/Bandaged Bruises/Sinful Souls Where stories live. Discover now