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"These are the docks. Since we are on the costal line of Japan, we need to make sure that it's clear at all times. If there's cargo being transported, I expect we take care of that immediately." Price says. "Tao is putting a lot of faith in us- so we gotta show up for it, alright?" He asks with an eyebrow raise.

"So I can blow them up?" König interjects- of course, out of all the words the silent German boy says he chooses violence over tranquility.

"You got it." I agree as I look out into the dark water, the moonlight and clouds refracting off of the surface. Slight waves grew in the distance then approached the dock, slapping the wood. Boats lined the pier, yachts, jets, smaller boats.

"You know I've always wanted a boat," Soap says as he crosses his arms by me.

"Oh yeah? How's that dream working out for you?" I ask with a smirk.

"We will get there someday," he says optimistic.

"Yeah- if the sun decides to rise." I joke.

Soap lets out a laugh, looking back at Price and Gaz talking about their underwater mission back when Task 141 was first organized. Apparently Gaz got to kill a bunch of people from under the docks- hence why he calls himself a military shark.

"How are you?" Soap asks.

"Why do you keep asking me this, Soap." I rub my face tiredly, sighing ing no my hands.

"Because I happen to care- and know you the most out of everyone here. Even Simon." He says it in a controlling tone, something he did when he knew he was right and there was no wrong answer. And I hated to admit it but he did have a point- he knew me the most.!

"I'm sorry, I just-" I pause, looking down at the crescent indents I created in my palms. The truck, the bandages. Stop. "I just don't know what the hell I'm doing anymore. And I like going out on missions and being productive with my life. It makes me feel as though one day it'll help me find the answer."

"It won't." He says looking down then up at me. "That answer comes from you. You belong in the task force, no one else could handle your ass, eh?" He laughs, lightly punching me in the shoulder.

"Wanna take a stroll down the block? There's a bar- it looked tourist friendly. No guards in the area, they're closed off from the fun places." He leans in, looking around at the others.

I twist my lips, trying to think of any reason to say no. But I couldn't. "Fine, you got me there. Let's go."

Soap and I escape through the back of the alley way past the building. It felt strange to be in casual clothing, but it was necessary for what we were doing here.

"You gonna do a couple shots of good ol' Scottish whiskey with me?" He asks slurring his accent on purpose.

"I'm more of a Malibu and redbull or vodka and chased type of girl," I interject.

"Oh, so you're the high maintenance one huh?" He teases.

The lights around us which decorated the blocks and buildings lit up as we pass several people on the street. Japan was truly lively at night; who knew? We cross the street, heading to a bar with a big neon sign with a red dragon breathing fire that read:


"Woah," I say as I look up at the sign. I look inside, seeing the bar and tables full of people talking, drinking, eating, laughing, and others playing pool. And you could tell a lot of them were tourists. "Why can't America be this lively?" I complain.

"Because, Red.. it's America- that's a good start." I laugh at his joke, and we walk into the place. The lights above us are red and white, brining a nightclub atmosphere to the place. The inside smelled of flavored cigars, poignant perfume, and expensive whiskey.

Soap and I go to a bar, sitting down in a cushioned black stool. Soap leans against the counter, slapping out what I presumed was Japan currency.

"A tab for me the and lady, yeah?" The bartender nods to us, taking the cash and going to the register.

"May I ask where you got the money? Or is that limited info?" I ask as I look down at the shining counter reflecting the neon. The bartender slides two small black shot glasses towards us, chilled steam coming from the top.

"Let's just say; the guards really shouldn't be carrying around their wallets on them." Soap says as he takes the glass and pours it into his mouth.

I follow suit, the fire liquid slowly traveling down my gullet and into my empty stomach. "Holy shit," I grimace as I look away, closing my eyes while trying to regain my alcoholic tongue I used to have. But I didn't cope that way anymore.

"The hell is this?" I ask.

"Only the best, amiga." He reaches over next to him, grabbing another one and chugging it down with no hesitation.

"You are insane," I say wide eyed.

"Best men on the field if you ask me," Soap smiles.

"Not if they're hungover," I report.

"Me?" Soap dramatically puts a hand on his chest. "Hungover? Never. I am pure Scottish not pure pussy," he laughs.

"You know Soap.. I've never asked you how or why you got your name." I bring up.

His eyes widen and dart around the room, avoiding me. "We don't discuss that,"

"So I have to get you drunk enough then?" I laugh.

"You're going to have to try," he says with a smile. "Or we could discuss that time on the field in Iran when you confused a pipe bomb with a—"

"No, no, no, and no." I burst out into laughter, trying to suppress the memory the best I could. "So I'm heating it's game on then?" I laugh as I pick up another shot glass, quickly swallowing the liquid. It amazes me how such strong fluid can cause your brain ti totally warp itself temporarily. How it didn't take well or taste good to many but it was desired by those who relied on feeling anything but their reality.

"Hey, Phoenix." Soap says clearing his throat.

"Hm?" I look up to him, as he twirls an empty shot glass on the counter with his forefinger.

"I've known you for a while. I've been here, through thick and thin. I've never- and will never just leave you- I'm loyal.." he pauses. "You're just.. interesting. And I honestly think that's why people are attracted to you. They want to figure you out, they just can't. You know?" He pauses again, closing his eyes then looking to me. "The day he left you, I was upset. But not at the situation- at the fact you couldn't even care for yourself because you were that broken. The day I was there, I—"

Suddenly, a raspy and low voice sounds behind us- loud and clear as day.

"Soap? Laswell?"

Ruby Laswell x Ghost (Vol. 2-4) Shattered Souls/Bandaged Bruises/Sinful Souls Where stories live. Discover now