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My head pounded and my eyes felt as heavy as bricks. Everything felt like nothing; I felt as though I could literally float in the wind.

I gasp, shooting up. My eyes dart around the room to the hotel full of sleeping men.

And Ghost in the corner, staring at me. Just like the old days.

"What the hell is your prob—" I hiss as I grab at my head, closing my eyes tightly as I try to ease the burning pain.

"I should be asking you. Do you now remember anything?" He asks.

I try to rack through my memories, but to no avail am I able to pull something out. I shake my head. "No. I just remember seeing you at the bar. Telling your ass off.." I trail off, looking out into the dark room. "Holy shit- wait, did we—"

"No." He briefly says angrily. "I wouldn't do that."

"Shhh. You're loud." I hiss as I hold my hand up.

"You're rogue, Laswell. Has this been you since I left? The change of hair, personality." He leans forward in the chair, the slight creaking noise making me uneasy.

"I'm not rogue. I'm fine." I argue. I then look down at my body, seeing a T-shirt and clothes on me. Something I know I didn't have on last night. "Wait- did you change me?!"

"No. I had to basically force you to do it— look, Laswell. You looked at me as though I was going to murder you—"

"Maybe you were," I shrug.

"You kept stumbling, could barely talk. Then you pulled us both into the water, started laughing and slurring. I had to drag your ass out of that water because you couldn't even swim." He grunts. He genuinely seemed upset.

"I don't give a flying fuck."

"Well you need to, you can't just act like that."

"It was one last night of freedom."

"And that gets you killed."

"Where's Soap?"

"Why are you asking."

"You know what, Ghost? Don't speak to me." I hold up my hand, looking away at my lap. "You're in this task mission? Great. Don't speak to me. I don't know you."

I turn away, slamming my head onto the cold end of the pillow and sighing. I could still feel his stare boring into the back of my head yet again. But this time it all felt unfamiliar. He felt unfamiliar yet so familiar at the same time.

How can someone who's explored someone's body to the fullest extent be capable of doing that? Just up and forget that person ever existed, as if you've never seen them in a vulnerable state.

Ghost could, apparently.

"Wake up, bitches!" Gaz yells out as the light turns on. I cover my head with the pillow, groaning.

"What the hell, Garrick?!" I call out.

"Too much to drink, Phoenix?" Price laughs.

"Shut up," I mumble.

"Nope, it's rise and shine time sunshine!" The pillow lifts from the top of my head and I look up to see Soap stare at me with a smile.

"Y'all wanna wake up the damn birds too?" I groan.

The pillow drops beside me, and I sit up looking around the room. Everywhere except for Ghost.

"It's good to see you again, Simon." Price says.

"Yeah, man; it's great to have more arms. Especially in this shit show," Gaz breathes.

"We need to meet Tao and König in an hour. So I suggest you princesses get dolled up. Remember, casual." Price sternly says.

"Aye aye, captain." Soap says sarcastically as he looks to me with a side smile.

The burning eyes, I feel them.

I stand up, walking over to the bathroom and pulling my duffel off of the table. I begin to rummage through my civilian clothing, wanting to cringe. I barely ever wore these. All I owned was basically camouflage green shit and black shirts.

I dig out a pair of tethered black shorts along with a gray halter top. It was dark, it was casual, and it suited the weather for any tourist visiting Japan. All I needed was a damn camera.

I slip on the clothes, turning around and looking in the mirror. My black hair now fell below my breast, and my skin was still a freckled porcelain marked with the same scars and the same eye colors.

I shove my hair back with my hands, feeling the salt of the ocean in my hair. I really did all of that shit? Remind me to never get that drunk again. I lost count after 6 shots, and maybe I should start putting in chips.

"Fuck Laswell," I whisper as I stare at my complexion. "The fuck is wrong with your life. Can't catch one damn break?"

Ruby Laswell x Ghost (Vol. 2-4) Shattered Souls/Bandaged Bruises/Sinful Souls Where stories live. Discover now