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"Hey!" Ghost yells as two guards join at my side, lifting me up by my arms.

"Don't do this," Soap shakes his head. I look to the both of them, alarmed, and ready to fight.

"You leave me no other choice," Shao says.

"The fuck we do!" Ghost yells. "If you touch her I will torture you so you feel every single millisecond." He grinds.

"Ghost," Soap says warningly.

Suddenly, I feel my abdomen twist as though a knife sitting above a fire for hours was inserted into it. My body falls limp as I let out a painful scream, my head feeling as though it was about to explode. My hand flies to my stomach, but the sharp twisting feeling felt like it was cutting into my intestines.

"Stand up!" Shao yells, kicking my leg.

But I couldn't.

I fall to the ground, still unable to stop letting out painful screams. It won't stop, it wasn't stopping. It was just getting worse.

The guards hoist me back up again, and all I could do was try and worm my way out of their firm grasp. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.

"Ruby!" Ghost calls, but I'm unable to stabilize myself.

I look to him, tears from the pain running down my eyes. His eyes widen as they seem to travel from my stomach to the ground. I look to Soap, who does the same.

I slowly look down, a fresh trail of blood running down my legs and puddling onto the floor. Then, another cramp hits. I drop from the guard's grasp again, sitting in the warm puddle as I let out uncontrollable cries.

I was having a miscarriage. I didn't want the thing, but I didn't want it to die like this.

I look to Shao as he looks at me in disgust, the guards beside him looking as though they could barely stomach the scene.

"She'a miscarrying!" Soap yells. "You need to do something or she can die!"

"And I care why?"

"Because I am going to fucking kill you!" Ghost yells.

My body limply falls into a fetal position, and I was now shaking uncontrollably. Everything hurt. Everything burned. I look above me as a guard hovers over me with a baton.

I hold my hand up, but within seconds I was getting smacked with the hard and cold metal right behind my head. I hear the screams and fighting of Ghost and Soap, but all I could do was focus on the ringing in my ears.

The guard laughs, walking away and joining Shao in assisting with Ghost and Soap.

My vision begins to blur as I look around, trying to find any sort of weapon available. I flip onto my stomach, wincing as I try to crawl and reach towards a pistol on the ground.

Come on, come on.

I hiss and let in a sharp breath as I put my hand to my stomach. I look down, seeing blood everywhere.

My fingers spin the gun, and within seconds it becomes available to me— until a foot steps onto my hand. I snap my hand back, yelling out in pain as I look up to see a guard. I look to my right, seeing a metal pole.

The guard brings up his gun, but I roll over and dodge it, reaching for the metal and swinging it into the guard's face. The man drops down in pain, and I struggle to regain my balance on my feet. My hand rests in my stomach, the burning pain relentless and even stronger now. But the adrenaline kept me going.

I look over to Ghost and Soap as they break out of their binds, fighting back the two guards and Shao. I look over to the ground, seeing the pistol. I reach down, grabbing it and cocking it back.

I aim it, my hands shaking. I notice Ghost look to me, nodding firmly as he and Soap dodge from proximity of the guard. I let two shots ring out, the men dropping like flies. Which left Shao.

Shao darts out of the room, the two boys exchanging glances.

I couldn't do it. Everything hurt.

"Ghost!" I toss him the pistol, my body dropping to the ground.

My vision becomes dark as I look at the blood on the ground. Fresh and smeared. My ears ring even louder, and my arms and legs do nothing but shake.


"Go, Ghost! Help her I'll get Shao!" Soap reaches for the gun. I finger the metal between my hands. I needed to kill him. For what he's done. He needed to die by my hands.

"Ghost." Soap looks at me, his hand on the gun. "This is payback for Hassan. Saving her is more
important than revenge right now. Find Price and Gaz. Meet me outside."

I nod, unable to process what I was feeling. The gun slides from my hands, and all I could find myself doing was immediately running to her limp body. She was slumped against the desk, the blood smeared everywhere on the ground and her.

I knew she didn't want the kid. And I didn't either, not yet. But it didn't need to happen like this. And I wasn't going to lose her like this. She's already come close too many times to count.

"Ruby," my hand rests against her cheek, her head lazily hung to the side.

"Shit!" I hiss. I put my fingers to her neck. She had a weak pulse. I feel panic course throughout my body as I lift her up into my grip.

How she was even able to fight back the way she did, I wasn't sure. I was never sure how she did anything.

I reach over to the desk, grabbing a radio.

"Price, Gaz! It's Ruby. She needs medical, now! If you can hear me meet me on the South Gate!" I slam down the radio, hoisting her body against my chest.

I look down at her as I run through the halls. Her beautiful features, even though still beautiful, were sickly and pale. She wasn't lively and fiery, she wasn't making some smart remark that I'd complain about even though I liked it.

The day I saw her in that bar, was the day I knew I needed her. Even in her anger, I admired her. Even in her drunken stupor, I wanted to protect her. Hold her.

The gun shots ring throughout the hall along with the blaring alarms.

I'm not sure how I got here- how we got here, to where we are. How we always end up in the most dangerous predicaments.

But there was one thing I was sure about.

I loved Ruby Laswell.

Ruby Laswell x Ghost (Vol. 2-4) Shattered Souls/Bandaged Bruises/Sinful Souls Where stories live. Discover now